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Blake couldn't help but smile as he pulled into the schools car park. Getting out of his new car all eyes were on him. He knew rumours had already been told around, the way some looked at him in admiration, disgust, jealousy. This only made his anxiety rise as he placed his keys into his pocket. He couldn't drive to school with Alec today as the older boy had basketball training earlier in the morning.

The words the older jock had said to him those days ago still fresh in his head. The way Alec said them, the smile on the older boys face as he watched Blake. Blake had worried he couldn't pleasure Alec. Be as good as his past flings. Except this wasn't just a simple fling. The older boy had made sure Blake knew that himself. God all he had to do was tell him, not buy him a new car. Blake needed a new car but he didn't expect Alec to be the one to get him one. Even more he didn't expect anyone to even buy him something that expensive in his life, he's always been looked down as the outcast. The loner in school.

Heading Inside the smaller boy couldn't help but become nauseous as eyes stayed on him. A certain cheerleader that had called him a foul name walking over. Groaning Blake opened his locker only to be met with Jessica beside him. Placing what he didn't need in his locker the smaller boy closed it only to start heading off. Hearing the girl scoff Blake couldn't help but chuckle. He really didn't want to face her at the moment. Not now, not ever.

"Where do you think your going" Jessica's voice beamed, annoyance and anger lingering. Blake really didn't need her testing his patience right now. Turning to face her the look on her face only made Blake shiver. He'd never seen a girl look that angry before. Especially when it was aimed at him. He knew this building relationship would cause some effects but not someone as jealous as this.

"Jessica I" Before he could finish the girl had stopped him.

"no you listen to me, you took what's rightfully mine away form me, he was in my hands first now you swoop in and he's magically all over you, what gay shit have you put into his head, honestly it's disgusting"

Taking a step back Blake only felt nauseous as people stopped to watch. People whispering to each other as they watched the two argue.

"He was never yours in the first place" Hearing these words Jessica only huffed. Her eyes filled with hate, anger as she glared at the boy.

"Learn to keep your hands off what's not yours before I teach you that lesson faggot" The girl spat before storming off. Standing in the same spot she left him in Blake didn't know what to say. Did she really mean what she had just said? How far would she take claiming Alec back as her own. Letting his mind play tricks Blake headed to class, hoping he would be able to see the boy he had been dying to see all day.

Thankfully lunchtime soon came around. Blake knew Alec would be in the gym practicing for his next game. Holding Alecs favourite drink in his hand Blake looked around before opening the gym doors. The sound of a basketball hitting the ground becoming louder. Skid marks from the older boys shoes. Letting a smile creep on his face as he watched the older jock Blake merely dodged the ball as it flew his way.

"Sorry baby" The older boy spoke as he placed a kiss upon his boys lips. Pulling Blake into a hug Alec couldn't help but sigh in content. He had waited to see the younger boy all day. Now he finally can.

"I got you, your favourite drink" Shaking it in the air Alec only smiled as he took the drink out of Blake's hand. Placing one more kiss upon the younger boys lips Alec took a swig. Pleasure hitting his throat as he groaned in content.

Alec had gotten used to calling Blake baby. He knows why, he knows how it makes the younger boy feel. It's Alec's simple way of showing that Blake is his, Blake belongs to him. His possessive side showing only a little. He just couldn't help it, ever since Blake had told him that he wanted him he'd come to say that word a lot. He knows he can't claim him, that was breaking the rules. Did he care? No. Was he ever going to listen? Not at all, when Alec wants something he gets it, so far it's working. He had what he wants, except only a major part in their story was missing, Freedom.

"I wanna take you somewhere, again" Alec spoke as he threw the basketball into the hoop. Blake's eyes leaving his phone before meeting the older boys. Letting a small smile show Blake nodded.

"You're not gonna tell me are you" Shaking his head Alec only smirked.

"Meet me outside your house for seven later tonight" Switching his phone off Blake nodded.

So that's what he did, his front door closing behind him. Favourite grey sweater hugging his body. Black cargos wrapped around his legs. The sun shining as it touched his delicate skin. That warm sensation sending a shiver up his spine. An oh so familiar car pulling onto the path before him. Watching as the window lowered Blake slumped into the car.

"Hey beautiful" Alec spoke. Feeling his cheeks rush Blake only smiled back. Watching as his home become nothing but invisible Blake felt his nerves bounce up and down. Where was the older jock taking him this time? Had he been there before? Should he be scared, worried? Sneaking a glance as Alec as he drove Blake couldn't help but smile at the picture he took of the older boy.

Alec couldn't help but smirk as he watched his boy take that photo. The biggest smile filling his face, heart flipping upside down. Just watching Blake smile made the older boys heart grow. He'd never felt this way for someone before yet this one boy had changed his life completely. He'd never had experience in this subject, especially with a boy. Yet when the two had passed a higher level in their relationship it felt so right. Everything Blake did made the older boys body scream with pleasure. Blake made Alec feel things no girl had ever made the older boy feel before.

Biting his bottom lip Alec turned the car into an enclosed area. Parking up in front of a tree Blake looked around. Maybe he hadn't been here before. God he'd never seen this place before in his life. Getting out of the car Alec was quick to take hold of the younger boys hand before dragging him along the dirt path. Before them sand came into view, the last gorgeous lake Blake had ever seen. His lips parting as he stopped in his tracks. He'd never seen anything like this before. It was merely stunning to the smaller boys eyes.

"I dunno what to say Alec, this is stunning" Alec only smirked as these next few words escaped his tongue.

"Just like you" Feeling his body burn to these words Blake couldn't help but smile. Alec had shown him nothing but care ever since they had met. God it was like a book. If that's what his life's turning into he never wanted it to come to and end.

"Come on" Pulling on the smaller boys hand Alec ran. Blake not far behind as he kept up with the older boy. Watching as Alec stripped his clothes off Blake found himself drooling. Averting his gaze Blake scolded himself. He needed to stop admiring him, god it was always so embarrassing when he got caught doing it. Yet he couldn't help himself. Knowing that, that body belonged to the boy who had grown a liking to him only made it better. His life was simply becoming a dream.

"Your going in" Blake asked as a smirk replaced the older boys lips. Stepping closer Alec had a mischievous look on his face. Taking a few steps back  Blake shook his head.

"Don't you dare" Raising his eyebrows Alec lunged at the boy. His arms successfully pulling the petite boy into his grasp.

"Your coming in with me" shaking his head Blake tried his best to wobble out of the older boys grasp. No use. Watching as they submerged into the water further Blake attempted to push himself out of Alec's hold. No use Blake merely obligated. Before he knew it they had submerged into the water. Holding his breath Blake couldn't help but smile as he pushed himself to the surface. Alec nowhere to be seen. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around his waist a certain pair of lips touched his skin.

Letting the older jock pull his back against his chest Blake leaned into his touch. Wetness filling his senses as he felt the cold water surround him.

"You're such an idiot" Hearing that same deep voice he had come to like chuckle Blake only smiled.

"Is that so" humming to these words Blake turned himself around. His arms wrapping around Alec's neck. Those mesmerising eyes looking into his own.

"Well, safe to say, I'm your idiot" Their lips smashing together. Chuckles leaving Blake's tongue. Alec's hands pulling the smaller boy closer. Blake's hands tugging at the boys hair. Ignoring the world around them the two let lust take over. Their lips syncing at a fast pace. Bodies mixed. Soon coming to pull away the two only smiled. In that moment Blake couldn't help but think, if this was how a perfect life felt, he wanted it to stay that way. Life was becoming perfect, right?


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