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These words only angered Alec as he glared at Jessica. Her face filled full of disgust. Blake's eyes heading to the floor as he felt the words sting. He didn't even know this girl, never met or spoken to her before. Yet here she is calling him a vile name. Pulling Alec's arm from around his waist Blake took a step back. He's never been called this word before. God he's never thought about his sexuality but always knew he began to grow a dislike to girls. He's just never seen them the same even since he started high school.

"What did you just say" Blake heard the older jock speak. His voice full of disgust, anger. The look on his face only making Blake shiver. That cold glare, dull expression. It was like he simply switched his emotions off. This somewhat scared the younger boy. Yet also enticed him. The way Alec's veins popped out, jaw ticked. It scared him, made him look hot. Shaking these thoughts out of his head Blake only watched as the two glared at one n other.

"Do you need me to repeat it" Jessica scoffed her eyes trailing to Blake's before meeting Alec's. Placing her finger on Alec's chest the older boy only pulled it away. His body taking a step back.

"What are you going to get from this Jessica" Alec asked. His eyes averting to look at the smaller boy beside him. He looked scared, out of place. Alec knew Blake hadn't seen his dark side. The side people didn't like about him. He tried to hide it with Blake he really does. He only wished he wouldn't have to snap in front of the younger boy.

"You do know you're only a play toy to Alec, I mean look at you, your perfect to be messed with, played around, god your so girly like it's disgusting" Jessica suddenly spoke. Her gaze hitting Blake's.

This only earned a soft growl to escape the older boys tongue. Anger hitting his skin, that burning sensation taking over. Alec only hoped Blake didn't believe these words. He wasn't a toy to Alec, he never was in the first place. Alec was known to play around, have his flings. Ever since he had met Blake it all changed. He hadn't done anything with anyone since. Alec felt something deep down, his body telling him to follow his gut.

"Shut up" The older boy panned. His hands clenching, Jessica's lips only tugging into a smile. However Blake couldn't help but let his mind play tricks on him. His head brining thoughts up. Was he only just a toy to Alec? Was all this just a game for the older jock. Was he taking advantage of him? But it can't be true. Not after the few intimate moments the two had shared. Alec was the one who had confessed how his body felt first. Alec was the one to advance their relationship further.

In his mind Blake always wondered how someone like Alec would even look at him that way. Act the ways he did towards the smaller boy. Alec was a god, way out of Blake's league. Being insecure about your body had its cons. Simply not loving yourself was one of them.

Alec knew why this girl was acting this way. Simply because they had hooked up after a party not long ago. In fact little did the two know Jessica had caught feelings for the older boy. You see they had hooked up after a party around one and a half months ago. Jessica merely catching feelings. Alec had always told the girls it was a one night stand. No strings attached. Yet they didn't listen. They didn't take his cold demeanour after as a sign what they had was over.

"You're jealous" Alec simply stated as the look on Jessica's face changed. This only proved the older jocks point. Scoffing to these words Jessica only crossed her arms.

Little did they know Blake's anxiety had hit the roof. His emotions tumbling out. His breathing becoming heavy. Taking one last look at the situation he was in he rushed off. Leaving the two to argue. Heading out of school Blake felt the fresh air hit his skin. That overwhelming feeling making his skin turn cold. Running his left hand through his hair he went to the only place he knew could calm him down. His favourite cafe.

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