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Alec was speechless. He couldn't talk. Those words repeating in his head. His body becoming stiff. His lungs giving up on him. Blake had just confessed how he felt about the older boy. Deep down Alec felt happy, glad. But he just couldn't express it. This only made it harder for the older boy. Biting down on his gums all Alec could do was pull the smaller boy onto his lap. Hands caressing Blake's cheeks. Faces inches apart. Feeling Blake's hands wrap around his neck Alec felt claustrophobic. That same intoxicating sent that he had come to envy filling his senses.

Alec wanted to say it back, he couldn't. Not when he was leaving his boy. Leaving him for good. He couldn't put that on Blake. He just couldn't come to saying those words himself. God it felt so shitty. All he wanted to do is comfort the younger boy, kiss his sorrows away. Except it's hard when your the reason he's in this state. You're the reason his hearts shattered completely. Alec couldn't never repair that, not now, not in a long time. Someone else has to do it, someone who deserves to truly be with him.

"Please say something" Blake spoke. His eyes blooming into Alec's own. That voice filling his head, look on Blake's face. However all Alec could get out were the simple words.

"I'm sorry"

Breaking down once more Alec clung onto the boy in his grasp. He felt weak, fragile. He hated how this one boy made him feel. The way he could change his emotions upside down with a simple word, a simple action. This boy had changed life for Alec in so many ways in the space of two months. It felt alienated. God he hated it but loved it at the same time.

"I never meant to break you, god all I wanted was to show you love, i did the opposite, I've broken you completely" Hearing these words Blake shook his head. No. Was all the smaller boy spoke in his head. He couldn't let him leave, he can't. Not now, not ever. He needed Alec. He made his life feel complete. God they weren't even a couple.

"You haven't broke me Alec, you did, have shown me love" Softly chucking to this statement Alec felt his heart shatter more. The fact Blake was trying to reassure him only made him smile. An action so simple yet heartbreaking.

"Don't lie to yourself Blake, your life was normal, perfect before I came into it, I've broken you, hurt you, worst of all I promised to myself I'd never hurt you, I broke it, all because I was a coward, you don't understand Blake your better off without me, I'm not just doing this because of my dad, it's also better for you, you deserve someone worthy of your love, your touch, your sweetness, god your so perfect it was too perfect to be true, I don't deserve you, I never will, your the sun to my world, I'm the moon to your darkness, those don't mix"

Sobbing into the older boys shoulder Blake clung onto the one boy he wished would stay, could stay. Nuzzling his head into the crook of Alec's neck. He was going to miss this, his touch, his scent. He had gotten too drawn and used to it. Now he's gonna have to accept to let it go. Let the one thing that made him happy complete go in this forsaken world. Gosh why did fate have to ruin his life completely. Take away the one thing he wanted to stay.

"I'm not lying Alec, you don't understand, you can't just walk into my life and then leave again, I know your scared, so am I, we can fight this together, make it work, please anything but becoming strangers again, I can't live without you, I can't imagine a life without you Alec"

Placing a gentle kiss upon the nape of Blake's neck Alec pulled the boy closer. His arms tightly wrapped around Blake's waist. The room becoming silent as they sobbed. His eyes beginning to feel sour. Voices beginning to feel tender.

"I just can't let you get hurt again baby, not because of me"

Crying into the older boys neck more Blake felt his body become numb. The feeling he once felt escaping his skin. The tears subsiding, this boy had drained him. Drained him completely of his emotions. His mouth becoming dry. His throat throbbing.

"You can hate me all you want, call me names, dig dirt on me, I don't care but please just know I'm doing this for your own safety" Chuckling to these words Blake pulled himself away. His face inches from Alec's, their gazes mixing. Using his thumbs to wipe the older boys tears off of his cheeks Blake couldn't help but softly smile.

"I have no reason to hate you, I can't hate you" Smiling to these words Blake closed the gap. Their lips connecting into a slow kiss. Kissing back Blake knew he was going to miss this. The soft touches, sweet kisses. Nicknames, the memories. Letting his fingers run through the older jocks hair Blake couldn't help but smile. Not of happiness but sorrow.

Softly whimpering to the loss of Alec's lips Blake only frowned. This was it, it was finally over. They didn't want it to be, but it had to be.

"I'll see you out" Slowly nodding Alec's life crumbled. Reality finally kicking in. Heading to the front door holding the smaller boys hand Alec turned around. The two now outside. The cold air attacking their skin. Bitter wind biting away as it flushed.

"I'm gonna miss you" Letting tears fall once more Alec swiped Blake into his grasp one last time. The smaller boys legs wrapping around Alec's waist. Foreheads against one n other. It felt unreal, alienated to be letting the one they cared about so much go.

"I'm gonna miss you too" Blake responded. Taking in the older boys scent one last time he placed a quick peck on Alec's lips. Letting the older boy place him down Blake didn't want to let go. Letting their fingers unlatch Blake felt his world crumbling down. Watching as the older jock walked down his driveway. Watching as Alec got into his car Blake covered his mouth. Tears brimming his eyes he didn't know he had in his body. He felt drained, all worn out. Giving the older boy one last smile he headed back inside. Closing the door behind him Blake did the only thing his body's wanted to do since the start. Collapse.

Feeling a pair of arms wrap around him all Blake could do was lean into the touch. His dad's voice hitting his ears.

"Hey, hey what's wrong" His dad merely picking his distraught son up into his arms. Letting Blake hug him back his dad's heart simply broke. Seeing his son in this state.

"He's gone dad, he's gone forever"

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