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When Y/N finally woke up it was about 12PM. She got dressed in her demon slayer uniform (it reminded her of her home), ate some bread, grabbed the stuff she needed, and headed out.

She opened a small piece of paper that had the direction to a small village nearby written on it. Akaza gave her that paper yesterday in case she needs something during the day.

She followed the directions for about 15 minutes until she was finally able to see the village.

The H/C girl was excited.

It has been a month since the last time she went out, and she wanted to see what she can buy or even steal.

"My..Who might you be, deary?" An old grandmother approached Y/N, happy to see a new face. "I haven't seen you around here, are you new?"

"Yea, I'm new around here. I live in the forest just about a kilometer away. My name is L/N Y/N." Y/N bowed respectfully.

Old people were so adorable.

"My name is Matsuzaki Hana. Are you married by any chance?"

"Nope, I'm single." She smiled nervously.

"Really? Such a pretty girl single? Some men are blind these days..I have a grandson who is looking for a wife, he is about your age." The old lady proudly stated.

"That's nice..Im not looking for a husband though, at least not for now. I kind of have a lot going on at the moment." She awkwardly picked on her fingers out of nervousness.

"I understand, dear..Well, I best be on my way..Fell free to come over for some tea someday. I live just down the road." The old lady pointed at a small house as Y/N nodded.

After that Y/N waved at the old lady and left to explore.


Some time has passed, and Y/N learned where all the shops were, how to get to certain places, and even met more sweet grandmothers who wanted her to marry into their families. She was even approached by two men who insisted on helping her out with whatever she needed.

Y/N wasn't the biggest fan of men, so she turned them down and dipped quickly. That was when the third man approached her.

She ran from the third man because he literally asked to court her right after they exchanged names.

As she ran, she looked back to check if the man was following her. He wasn't.

"Thank Go-"


"I'm so sorry! I was running away from a dude, so I wasn't looking were I was going!" Y/N immediately bowed her head in shame.

"It's quite alright! Just be more careful next time!" The volume of this man's voice made her flinch. Why was he yelling?

Y/N looked at the person she bumped into and paused. He was a young adult of tall stature and lean-muscular build. He had long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes that fade to red with white pupils. He was very handsome. She also noticed something else about him.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑺𝑨𝑳𝑽𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵  (KNY! x ModernF!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now