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The next day, everything went how it would usually go.

In the morning, Y/N cleaned up her wounds and changed her bandages every few hours.

She wasn't going to risk getting an infection while she's so far away from the butterfly mansion.

When noon came, everything was pretty peaceful, for the most part.

"Caw! Caw! Letter from the headmaster! Caw!"

Y/N went over to the window and opened it to let her crow inside. Once the crow was inside, she untied the letter from the crow's leg and nervously began reading it.

Dear Y/N.

I'm very pleased to hear that the Upper Ranks have agreed to join our side. With them on our side, I'm more than confident we will beat Kibutsuji Muzan once and for all. You four will travel to the far east village and meet Lady Tamayo there. It might take you a few days to arrive there, but we must be careful. When the curse is broken, I will hold an emergency Hashira meeting so we can discuss our future plans. I wish for the Upper Ranks to be there as well.

I wish you a fast recovery. Get well soon, Y/N.

From Ubuyashiki Kagaya.

"This is great! Thank you, God, for giving me such a kind master." She cried dramatically.


For the rest of the day, Y/N decided to spend it at the hotsprings. The hot water helped her aching muscles and relaxed her a lot.

So far, it has been pretty quiet and peaceful.

"This shit great."

It was getting late, so Y/N was trying to mentally and physically prepare herself to leave. However, the preparation and her peace were cut short when she heard rustling in the nearby bushes.

"What the fuck was that?" She looked over where the noise was coming from and grabbed a towel, just in case it was a person.

"Come out, you bitch! Fight me like a man, or woman, or whatever you are!" "Wait. I don't have a weapon, and I'm butt-ass naked." She didnt want anyone to see her melons or coochie. "On second thought, don't! Just fuck off, please!"

The rustling only got louder and louder until the maker of the noise finally showed herself.

It was the same wild boar that had beef with her.

"Oh shit..my arch nemesis." Y/N panicked and backed off immediately. She quietly and slowly grabbed her clothes and began dressing herself up while still in the water. "Great, my clean clothes are now wet."

After she got dressed, she put her hands in front of her and backed off a little. She hoped that, because she was quiet, the animal would not feel threatened and would back off.

She was wrong, and the boar charged at her.


She ran out of the hotsprings and bolted towards her cottage, the she-boar hot on her trail.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑺𝑨𝑳𝑽𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵  (KNY! x ModernF!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now