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"Oh, my..I would never wish to hurt a human." Tamayo was very confused by the woman's actions. She had never seen something quite like that. Humans from the future were very amusing, apparently.

"I'm sorry, you're very beautiful." Y/N stared at the woman with such admiration. Yushiro growled and grabbed her hair, but immediately let go when the Upper Moons growled back at him.

"Yushiro! If you hurt Y/N again, I won't forgive you!"

"All right!"


Tamayo turned to Y/N and smiled gently, her aura was very peaceful and welcoming. Her scent wasn't like the other demons, she didn't reek of blood and death. It was nice.

"Y/N. Do you truly wish to help them? To help those who took the lives of many. Do you believe they deserve it?"

Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza were quiet and their auras were getting more and more hostile. The hostility dropped, however, once Y/N gave her answer.

"Yes. I wish to help them. I'll do anything. I failed to save people before, I don't want to fail again. They might be demons, but they were once humans too..They deserve a second chance at life."

It was silent for a good minute, then Tamayo broke the silence with a quiet sigh. She reached over and grabbed her medical suitcase. After searching a little, she pulled out three syringes and motioned for the three Upper Ranks to come closer.

"These are to help you alter your bodies so you no longer need to feed on people to survive. With this, you will only need to drink a bit of blood to satisfy your hunger. I already altered my body, and it helped me significantly." Lady Tamayo injected the three demons with the medicine, then neatly put the syringes back in her medical suitcase.

"When it comes to braking Kibutsuji's control..you must have a strong enough desire to do so."

The medicine helped the demons almost immediately.

Their desire to eat humans stopped almost fully and their heads felt at ease with the lack of aggression.

However, they didn't like Tamayo's answer. They were suspicious.

"A strong desire? It sounds too easy, though?" Y/N commented, her pointer finger was on her chin and her eyes looked like dots. She was confused.

"Yes. I managed to remove Kibutsuji's curse. They must show that their desires to help humans are greater than their fears of him."

The demon woman turned to look at the three who were staring intensely at her; she then looked over at Yushiro and gave him 'that' look. "Tell me, do you truly mean no harm to Y/N? Do you wish to help humans?"

"I mean..no harm to..her..but..I don't..wish to help..other humans...However, I won't..harm them, either.."

"My answer is the same as Kokushibo-dono's."


As the Upper Ranks gave their answers, Yushiro went up behind Y/N and put a cloth against her mouth to keep her from speaking.

"Don't fall prey to Lady Tamayo's power, or else you'll die." He whispered quietly to the startled woman, then went back to admiring Tamayo once she nodded and nervously clutched her fists.

If they get hurt, Y/N will obliterate Tamayo and Yushiro. She was ready, too.

"So, you really do care about Y/N..What will you do if something bad happens to her because of you three?"

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑺𝑨𝑳𝑽𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵  (KNY! x ModernF!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now