Chapter 11

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Mya POV:

A month into me and Paige dating.

Since school started it has been kicking my ASS. I'm not even going to hold you, I've been staying on top of it. I'm actually very proud of myself because academics has never been my strong suit. But because of school kicking my ass that and volleyball is all I've been doing. I barely spent time with Paige, I see her like 2 times a week! I should see her more than that it's only because the stupid gym floors got fixed. Maybe I'm being overly dramatic but that isn't the point.

I have been taking my classes online so I don't have to drive to school for morning classes, go back home, do work, get ready for practice, go to practice, and come back. Honestly feels like a waste of gas, PLUS I get to stay home. Who doesn't want to stay home. Although it does kind of get boring sometimes.

I go downstairs to get some breakfast, I bought this yogurt yesterday I think I'm going to mixed it with this honey granola. I do not have any classes today so my weekend starts early. So now I'm just scrolling on instagram and I see tooth gems all over my feed. I want to get one so bad I always see Nika with one so I'm gonna ask her can I go with her the next time she goes. They are just so cute I can't get over them, I saw a butterfly one, a star one, and a cross one. Just so much to choose from.

It's like 12:00 right now and dad is still here so they shouldn't be having practice at the moment. I gonna call her now, I know she's up because she goes on morning runs. I call her and she answers.

Hey Nika
Hey boo, how are you?
I'm doing good, how are you?
I'm good just came back from my run, whatca got?
Oh I just wanted to ask when is the next time you're going to get a tooth gem?
Oh that's crazy because I just made an appointment for tomorrow, you want to get one?
Yea I do, I didn't know I had to make an appointment
Oh you're fine. Just come with me tomorrow my friend does mine, she said she only has a few clients a week so she'll take you too. I don't even take a whole hour to do
Okay thanks, I'll be over there tomorrow. What time?
It's at 12:00.
Alright bye

I hang up and see dad coming out of his room. "Hey Mya whatca eating" He ask looking over the island.

"Yogurt and granola" I say pulling my bowl away from him and giving him the side eye.

"You ain't gotta pull the bowl away from me cause I can just take it " He says sticking his tongue out at me.

"OR I can just make you some" I say

"That would be nice, thank you so much for offering lovely daughter" He says smiling and walking away to the couch.

I make the yogurt and granola for him and just to be nice I bring him water. "Here you go sir" I say giving him the food and drink.

"Thank you, hey do you have anything to do today?" He asks

"Nope no classes, no practice" I say

"Okay great because I want you to come to practice with me today. There is some work I need help me do because my assistant is out sick" He says eating his food

"Alright I'll come but you're making dinner this week, I'm tapped out" I say trying to hide how excited I am.

"Alright and you're only excited because you get to see Paige" he says

"What makes you think I'm excited" I say acting clueless

"I hear it all in your voice" He says nonchalant. I don't even say anything I just take it and walk away. I wash my bowl and go upstairs.

Practice for them usually starts at 3:30 but dad says it's starting at little early today for what reason? I really don't know. So around 2:45 or something, it's currently 1:45 and since he's coach he has to make it there before everyone else so I'm just going to put on something simple. I put on cream Essentials set with my Off White Jordan 4's. I think I did good.

Love Me: A Coach's Daughter Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon