Chapter 13

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Mya POV:

Dad's assistant finally came back to work from being sick ALL week. I don't know what she had but it seemed to take her a week to get better, maybe she was lying... shit I would too. Dad can be a handful. My tooth gems have been holding up well I expected to swallow them when I eat or something I probably wouldn't know until I looked at my teeth. Anyways, practice is going great so far the team and I have been getting along well. We are going out to eat for some bonding time later today. I'm currently watching Totally Spies in my room since I have nothing to do till later on and of course my dad has to interrupt my peace by calling me...on the phone...even though we're in the same house...

Yes father?
What are you doing?
Uhm watching tv
I wanted to see if you wanted to cook dinner or do you want to order in?
I don't matter to me because I'm going to dinner tonight, so you can order in or I can cook something before I leave.
I'll just order in to save you some time.
Who are you going to dinner with? Paige?
Uh if you must know, it's a team dinner
Oh that's nice, team bonding is very important because the way you behave on the court is not only based on how you behave at practice but how you behave outside of practice
Okay coach Geno
I'm just saying
Right and you do know that we are in the same house, you didn't have to call me.
Didn't feel like getting up
Sir- goodbye

I hang up to go downstairs, I haven't really ate all day. So I'm just going to grab something slight. I'm pretty bored so i think I'll call my beautiful girlfriend.

Hey Ms. Paige
Hey Ms. Mya, how are you?
I'm doing great, how are you?
I'm doing wonderful now that I'm talking to my girlfriend
Awee, what are you doing?
Nothing much, want to come over?
Of courseee but I can't stay too long because I have a team dinner to go to.
Oh that should be fun, what are you going to wear.
Shit! That's what i forgot.. I was thinking I have everything together but I guess not. I don't think I have anything to wear anyways.
Want to go to the mall or something?
Yes! Would you come with me?
Of course I will, we can go when you come over. That'll be more fun than just laying around at my dorm
Okay it is getting pretty close to the time so I'll make my way over there in a few minutes.
Okay see you later
Okay bye bye

I hang up and put on my shoes and jacket. Before I leave I always tell dad when I'm going shopping to see if he wants anything. I knock on his door and ask him, he says no, I grab my keys, and leave.

Time skips to getting there

As I'm walking in I'm texting Paige that I'm walking upstairs. I get to her dorm and knock on the door, she opens the door and immediately gives me a hug and kiss when she sees me. "Hi baby" she says still holding me

"Hi!" I say holding on to her. We eventually pull apart I start looking around for Nika and Azzi but I don't see them. "Where's Nika and Azzi?" I ask Paige

"They went to Target to get some food for the dorm" She says

"Oh okay" I say

"Yeah are you ready to go?" I ask

"Yea just let me get my jacket" She says walking to her room. I see her phone and decide to start spamming pictures in her phone because why not. She comes back with her keys and jacket on. "Come on" She says leading me out the door.

We get in the car and she asks me. "So what kind of look are you going for?"

"Something cute and subtle." I say

"Oh okay" She says

"What have you been doing all day?" I say

"Well I went on a run this morning, ate breakfast, watched some tv just an average day. What have you been doing all day" She asks

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