Chapter 15

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Paige POV:

This morning I woke up with my head pounding and feeling like I was sleeping with 15 heaters on. I can't even get out of bed right now because of how bad I'm feeling. I have no idea how I got a fever, I went out like maybe once all day yesterday maybe something in the fridge needed to be changed out. Since I cannot get out my bed I call Azzi. I check the time and she is not up right now. It is too early for Ms. Azzi to be up but I know Nika is up because she likes taking morning runs. I call Nika

Hey Nika, what are you doing right now?
Hey P, I'm not doing nothing why?
I think I have a fever can you come check please.
Yea I'll be there in a sec.

I hang up. I'm going to try and sit up at least, I'm going to pray that this fever eases up because I hate going to the doctor. When I try to sit up I feel so much pressure on my body to go back down.

"Shit" I say in pain

"Woah there P" Nika says walking up to me to feel my forehead.

"Oh yea you definitely have a fever" She says feeling my forehead

"Damn" I say pulling out my phone to text Mya.

Good morning baby
Good morning my love
I have a fever 🤒
Awe I'm on my way there. Do you want something to eat?
Yes can you bring a smoothie please.
Ofc I'll be there in 15 min

"What did you do yesterday?" Nika asks

"I don't know, I went out once yesterday. Maybe it's something I ate I'm not sure" I say

"Alright I'm going to go check the fridge. If it is I'm gonna go store and get some stuff" She says leaving my room.

Mya POV:

When I woke up today thinking I'm not going to be doing anything today but that all change when I found out my girlfriend is sick. I jumped out of bed put some sweats and a hoodie on, grabbed my keys and went to the nearest smoothie king I could find. While I was there I got Nika and Azzi one too because why not. Now I'm on the way to their dorm Nika told she going to the store so hopefully Azzi answers the phone so she cal let me in.

I make it to their dormitory I walk upstairs to their dorm. I call Azzi because I know if she doesn't hear me knock, I know she is going to hear her phone rings.

Hey I'm here can you open the door please?
Uhm sure
Thanks so much

She opens the door. "Hey Azzi I brought smoothie king" I say going in and placing the drinks on the table.

"Oh thank you but why?" She says confused

"Because Paige is sick?" I say getting Paige's drink

"Paige is sick?!?" She say going to her room.

"Yea she texted me this morning" I say following her to her room.

"Paige you sick?" Azzi asks her

"Oh you're up, yes I have a fever" Paige says in bed

"I really gotta start getting up earlier" Azzi says shaking her head and going back to her room. I go into Paige's room.

"Awee poor baby, how are you feeling?" I say walking towards her.

"Sick, I'm doing sick" She says softly

"Here's your drink" I say giving her the drink. I feel her forehead and she is burning up. I turn on the fan in her room I don't know why she didn't been turn it on.

"Is the smoothie good?" I ask

"Yeah thank you" She says

"Of course now let me in" I say getting in the bed with her.

"Mya what if I get you sick" She says worried

"I don't care about getting sick, as long as you're okay" I say getting under the covers. She smiles and leans her head my shoulder.

"I liked your get ready with me video, you should do more of those" She turns her head to look at me.

"I really should, the comments have been saying that too. I just hope I can be consistent with it" I say look at her.

A hour later...

Paige and I talked until we fell asleep. Turns out she is very clingy when she is sick, I'm not complaining though she's better than me when I'm sick. I got up out of bed to get something to drink but when I open the fridge for the first time there is actually stuff in here other than milk or leftover. I was in shock Nika went shopping, shopping. I look on the counter and there is soup and crackers, this got to be for Paige. I'm fix her some now because I know she turning in her sleep wondering where I am.

I finish making the soup. I check on Paige to see if she's up and she is. "How are you feeling sleepyhead?" I say going up to her to feel her forehead again

"Still sick, I thought the nap would help... I was sadly mistaken" She says pouting

"Awe I made some soup, want some?" I ask she better want this soup, I didn't make it for nothing.

"Yea" She says

"Okay let me go get it" I say walking towards the kitchen. I grab it and make my way back to Paige's room.

"Thank you Mya" She says to when I walk it.

"Can you sit up by yourself or do you need help" I say

"I'm going to try, I tried this morning and it felt like I get pushed back down" She says trying to get up.

"Okay take your time" I say to her. She tries to get up and she did it.

"Whew girl hand me that bowl" She says reaching for it.

"Here" I say handing it to her. When I give it to her I hear my phone ringing in the kitchen where I left it.

"I'll be right back" I say waking to the kitchen. I answer my phone and walk back to Paige's room. It's dad

Well hello there
Hello Dr. McBrat how has your day been
I don't have time for your games father
How is your patient
Still sick but she's eating soup right now so I think she's fine.
"How are you going to talk about me when I'm in the room" Paige says in the background
"Girl this is your coach calling me to ask about you, eat your soup" I say to her
That's not why I called though but I do hope she gets better
Okay... why did you call then?
I called to tell that there is a job opening for the basketball
Wait seriously?!?
Yes for social media manger's assistant, whew that's a tongue twister
That's perfect!
Yea turns out the social media manger needs help with all our social media.
I can definitely help with that
Okay I can set a meeting with you two sometime next week.
Okay thank you thank you.

I hang up with a huge smile plastered on my face.

A/N I'm not gon hold you I didn't proofread these past three chapters and I didn't have my device that I write on for a while so that's why it has been taking so long plus more are coming they just have to be finished I promise just be patient with me

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