Chapter 14

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Mya POV:

To be honest I liked being dad's assistant for the past week. It was fun maybe during the off-season dad can let me get a job or something working with the team. Would that be so bad that way I'm not rotting all off-season. Speaking of off-season, volleyball is about to end at the end of the month so there's that! Then basketball season starts right after and I get to cheer my amazing hot girlfriend on at her games. Hopefully if dad lets me get the job I can go on the trips too I swear they are on the road 24/7. There's one thing about me and that is I love going on trips, you should've seen me when I was going away for college in Minnesota. I was up bright and early for that flight.

I am majoring in sports management so a job working with the basketball team is perfect and honestly my type of job. I'm not big on outside activities so anything other than volleyball or basketball would be the LAST thing on my mind to work at. Also I'm gonna try and stay away from all the dinners because that's literally all I've been going to, that's so boring. I really want to go to more parties this semester because that injury from last season burnt my social battery OUT, seriously. Mom flew in all the way from CT to MN to take care of me and I wouldn't say a word...even with my friends...nothing but silence. I guess they were serious about injuries taking a toll on someone.

But enough about injuries.

I swear after practice I stay in my room the rest of the day. I go downstairs and when I do I see mom watching tv looks like she did nothing all day. She really deserves it she works so hard everyday I'm glad she finally got a break. So just because of that I'm not going to bother her today, I'm such a good daughter.

I go in the pantry to grab some Goldfish. "Grab me one too Mya!" I hear mom yell from the living room. "One what?!" I yell back. "What ever you're getting!" She yells again.

Now what if it was something she doesn't like. I grab the goldfish and hand it to her again such a good daughter. "Thank you" She tells me

"You're welcome" I say.

Since it is the middle of the day and I just came from practice a few hours ago, I just have some after practice clothes. I think it's good for the store. I think Nika has my address already because she didn't ask so I'm assuming she has it already. If not I'm sure she'll ask me or Paige for it. Now I'm just scrolling on TikTok the video I posted a couple days ago is already past 100k views they seem to like it and are asking for more videos. I'll see if I remember to do it that's usually the problem.

As I'm in the middle of watching a TikTok video I get a call from Maddie...

Hey Maddie, what's up?
Hey girly, have you seen Chloe's instagram story?
No I don't follow her why?
Oh she put something like "People be thinking they all that because their girlfriend is a star player for their team LOL"
The fuck? Is she tryna throw shots at me or something?
Girl I don't know but I just thought I'd tell you
Okay but until she uses my name, @ me in it, or simply say it to my face i'm going to shake it off because believe it or not she could be talking about someone else.
Okay boo but don't let all the shit she says get to you okay because some people are just miserable.
I won't, thank you for tell me I really appreciate it.
Of course

She hangs up...

Is it just me or was that weird as fuck? If she is talking about me , she must really have a sad life. Cause I don't even talk to her off court and if I don't talk to her off-court that means I'm not giving her a reason to think I'm all that, right? Then she went to instagram about it, like what are you in? High school? Hmmm beats me.

I think I should go talk about this job to work with the team now. Maybe he can take me with him when he goes to work. The only down side of that is he might start talking basketball talk with me and I've told him many many times before that I don't care for any of that. That's why I would hate take your daughter to work day because he would sit there and talk to me about basketball. I mean he tried everything in his power to make me do basketball but the only thing I can do is shoot.

I only tried out for volleyball so he would stop making me do basketball turns out i liked volleyball more than I thought. The only reason why I didn't tell him that I didn't want to do it is because of the camps had hot girls in it. Other than that I would have been told him.

I go downstairs and go to his room. "Hi father dearest" I say

"What do you want Ms. McBrat?" He says looking at his phone.

"Excuse me sir?" I say

"Oh I'm sorry, yes Mya?" He says look up from his phone

"I want to ask you something" I say

"Yes?" He says

"So you know that volleyball season is almost over right?" I say

"Yes what about it" he asks

"Well I was thinking that I could get a job working with the basketball team during the off-season" I say smile at the end of my sentence

"Uh well I'd have to check to see if there a job opening. If there is I'll see if I can work something out, only because I know you'll do your job and do it well. So if I can work something out I'm going to need you do what you need to do. I don't want them people stepping into my office talking about you not doing what you're supposed to, okay? If you decided to play around I will tell them that they can do what they want with you. Am I clear?" He says getting serious

"Okay I got you" I say

"You aren't doing this because you want to spend more time with Paige right cause if so you need to find a better reason immediately before I check this out" He says

"No no that's a plus though. You know I'm majoring in sports management so I figured I get job dealing with that, I didn't want to do any outside sports so basketball was the next best thing" I say

"Alright Mya" He says

"Thank you thank you!" I say giving him a hug

"And when basketball season starts you will be coming to work with me" he says

"Alright that's fine with me" I say walking out of his room.

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