Chapter 18

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A week had passed since Jolene and Dario had been here, and we had so much fun together. Well, Jolene and me... Dario was an annoying grump like Izan if Jolene didn't pay him her full attention. 

Who knew Mafia bosses could be so pitiful? 

The couple visited Camila and her husband and brought her a gift as a token of appreciation and gratitude. What Jolene's been through made my story sound lame and boring. [A/N: Read Dinner with the Mafia if you're curious LOL]

After Izan formed a plan for the ugly duckling, Jolene actually froze all of Heath's money and assets, and I had never been happier and impressed. 

She even hacked into his phone camera, and we saw his face when he realized he couldn't use anything he owned. It was so freaking satisfying, but I knew Izan had other plans in mind for him, and it was better that I didn't know any of them.

Ignorance is bliss.

Dario and Jolene left yesterday morning because she wanted to visit her dad in New York, and I promised I would visit them someday. In Italy, not New York. I didn't want to step foot in that city ever again. 

It was good that I didn't have anyone I would miss there. Probably Robert, my dad's driver, but he would live happily without me. A lot of people would live happily without me. I hoped Izan wasn't one of them.

"Verena!" I snapped out of my daze when Camila clapped her hands in front of my face. I was at the hospital, shadowing her for a few hours because I was bored at home. Izan had Mafia work to do, and he didn't want me to witness anything. He was probably killing people. Indeed, I didn't need to see that.

"Yes?" I smiled sheepishly, and she sighed.

"You need to focus. I don't want you bumping into a patient's bed. It's your lucky day that I don't have scheduled surgeries," she reminded me, and she was right. I asked for this. 

I wanted to experience life, and she happily agreed.

Henry, her husband, was stitching a man's open forehead after he fell into the pavement face first. He had iron deficiency and fainted, losing his balance in the process. I could see Henry from across the hall, and his hand movements were so agile and smooth.

I bet Camila enjoys his hands.

Bad Verena! That's nasty.

Holy thoughts, holy thoughts only.

"What would happen if someone came in with a heart problem? What would you do?" I asked, and she filled in a chart for a nurse.

"I would have to step in. I'm part of the ER if I'm not in the operations room. This job is stressful, and one simple mistake can be deadly, but I love it! I love saving lives." I envied her happiness, but I admired her passion as well.

Will I ever feel like that about something?

"Are there any Kerens in the staff around here?" I asked as I scanned the relatively quiet ER. I watched enough shows not to say the Q word aloud. I was not a monster.

Doctors and nurses were doing their jobs. Some looked stressed, others relaxed, and I couldn't help but appreciate life. Anything could happen at any second, and I was glad I was alive. 

"There are male Kerens around here. Male doctors, mostly surgeons, don't exactly appreciate it when I enter a surgery with them. They get offended when they partner up with a young female doctor. It's like a shot to their ego, but I learned to deflect their nonsense and focus on my job," she explained while checking a patient's heart monitor.

I nodded. "Yeah, most men suck. They're always competitive in a not sporty way when it comes to their performances at work, and I had my fair share of them back in New York," I replied and shuddered as I remembered all the male Kerens in my dad's company. Dad was the worst of them all.

We spent another hour like this, going back and forth between patients and talking about our work experience with men until Izan walked through the ER entrance. 

He looked dang hot in a three-piece suit. 

"Vera," he acknowledged me as soon as he saw me and walked toward us. "Camila, como estas?" he asked as he so casually placed his palm on my shoulder. It felt nice. [How are you?]

"Muy bien. I had fun with Verena today," she replied with a smile but frowned when she looked at the entrance. "I have to go... this doesn't look good. See you later, guys," she added and ran to the scene, ready to save lives. A man with blood all over his chest was fighting consciousness, and I felt lightheaded. I applauded her ability to work under this type of pressure. [Very well.]

"Let's go," Izan said when he saw my most likely pale face. I nodded but kept my eyes on the patient. I prayed for his well-being.

I think I'm going to be sick...


"I am sorry for throwing up on your shoes," I apologized when we entered the house. Izan groaned, took off his shoes, threw them in the yard, and then locked the door. "They must have been your favorite. Dang it, I just had to ruin them. I am so sorry-"

"I don't care about the shoes. Are you okay now?" He removed his socks and walked to the laundry room.

I followed him. "Yes, the blood was overwhelming my senses. I would crack under that kind of pressure!"

"Well, you're not a doctor. Don't worry," he said, and I didn't know if I should feel flattered or offended. "I'm taking a shower, so unless you want to join me, I suggest you leave." He started taking off his clothes, and I ran to my room like my butt was on fire. 

I didn't mind seeing him naked, but joining him in the shower? 

That invitation was not friendly. At all.

Do I just want to be friends with Izan? 



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Random question: if you have curly hair, what brand of straightener do you use? 

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