Chapter 27 - Izan

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A few minutes after the kidnapping...

"Hey, quiet! Mama Vivian is video calling. She'll see the blood, so hide your hands," I instructed Zulimar, Carlos, and Juan. 

We were dealing with annoying criminals, and blood had to be shed to get information. We eventually got it, and police officers came and picked them up. 

"Hola, Mama!" I greeted her, but my face fell once I saw her tears. Her eyes were so red and small from how much she had cried.

Papa was standing beside me, cleaning his hands with a cloth, so he saw her, and he immediately went into protective mode. "Why are you crying, amor?" he asked, fury already visible on his face.

"¿Qué pasó?" As soon as I asked that, she directed the phone to Camila, who was doing chest compressions on Jose. 

He was unconscious. 

Blood was all over his body, and I cursed loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Send your location." 

My men prepared their guns once they saw their brother all bloodied, and they waited for my command. They tried to look tough, but I knew this was a blow to all of them. Juan's face was the palest. 

Jose was like a son to Juan. 

He was the closest to him. 

He basically raised him.

Mama Vivian hiccupped and said, "I j-just did, but Izan... they k-kidnapped Verena." 

Time stopped. 

I felt my blood run cold. 

I should have gone with them. 

"Before he passed out, Jose told us he tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them. He managed to kill some, yet they still took her," Mama explained with tears streaming down her face, and I felt my throat close on itself.

"He is severely wounded and lost a lot of blood, but we called for help when we found him on the floor-"

"I got a pulse!" We heard Camila yell, and at the same moment, the ambulance and police cars pulled over. 

They were shocked at the bloodbath, but my sister did not budge. "I'm a doctor. I'm riding with you." She didn't leave room for objection, hopping in the back with Jose.

From what I managed to see, he looked dead. His face was almost pale blue, and the blood on the ground was like a slaughter scene. My rage was slowly building up, and I took a deep breath.

I needed to focus.

Mama Vivian turned the phone to face me after she talked with an officer. "I'll drive to the hospital and will update you on him. Find Verena." And she ended the call.

"Who the fuck dares do this?" Carlos was the first to break the deadly silence, and I glanced at him, then at the gun in my hand. "It can't be the Russians. We signed an alliance contract not long ago." He continued, "The Swedish Mafia already has enough on its plate, so that leaves it to here, but who?"

They took her.

They took Vera.

"I'm betting on the new gang that's been on our asses for months now, but why take her? How does she help them?" Juan asked while refilling bullets in his guns. 

We needed to see Jose, but we weren't doctors and would only get in the way if we went with our weapons. The police would contact me soon enough since Mama Vivian left my card with one of the cops on the scene.

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