Chapter 41 - Izan

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I failed Carlos. I never realized he was feeling lonely while with us. He was always serious and, most of the time, grumpy but never appeared sad. I should've focused more on their mentality and not just my business around them. They were my brothers, and I had failed one of them already.

I'm a fucking idiot.

I appreciated Vera's intervention because I wouldn't have acted as she did. Not because I didn't want to but because I was not used to these types of conversations. When she broke down in front of me, crying her heart out, all I could do was hold her and tell her I was there for her, and that was it.

Carlos needed to hear Vera's words, and I wouldn't have portrayed my feelings for him the way she did. I didn't know how.

"Earth to Izan!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my best friend, Dario. 

We landed a few hours ago in Sicily, and most of my men were still resting in their rooms. Vera was with Jolene and her friend Phoebe. 

Dario and I sat in his home office, which was filled with flowers. I guessed Jolene had something to do with the décor because the last time I was here, it was a dull, boring room. "Yes?" I said, grabbing the coffee cup and taking a sip. 

We were discussing the Swedish mafia's declaration of war when I thought of Carlos. I needed to refocus on the matter at hand. Axel Berg was on my-to-kill list, and I wouldn't rest until his name was off the list.

"Do you need to rest?" Dario asked with a knowing look. He ate one of the cookies his fiancé made, and I smiled at the prospect that Vera could be my wife one day. It was nice to have a significant other who understood your every move and thought. 

I didn't have to articulate my emotions for her. She would understand with just a look.

She'll be my wife one day. I just know it.

I shook my head and tried one of the cookies. "No, we need to prepare for our friendly trip to Sweden before they attack first. I'm sick of these bastards, and their threat just burned the last bit of sanity I had for them. I need them dead soon. All of them."

The Swedish mafia had lowlife criminals of all types. Pedophiles, thieves, rapists, and murderers, and I still wonder why I partnered with them on the casino. It was not even worth the trouble.

What was I thinking?

"I despise Axel Berg so much. The son of a bitch tried to flirt with Jolene once," he confessed, squeezing the cookie in his palm, and my eyes widened. How was he still alive? It was like he read my mind and sighed. "Yeah, but she immediately broke his finger that touched her."

"She should have cut it off," I scoffed at Axel's disgusting antics. He didn't care if the woman was taken or not. He did what he wanted, and I was about to put an end to his life. He crossed a line by sending that letter.

"I wanted to kill him on the spot, but Jolene stopped me. I cannot wait to see him die. Anyone who messes with you is my enemy as well. We can go to Sweden tomorrow morning and finish them off. It will be a surprise attack." I nodded, eager to give Vera some peace of mind.

 That was the least I could do.

Dario nodded with a sadistic smile and said, "I have strong connections to the Swedish government. I helped them more than once on different occasions, and they want to get rid of Axel's mafia more than us. They had been causing chaos lately between the citizens, so I got the green light to do what needed to be done. I contacted the relevant authorities, who sent the blueprints of every hideout they had. They will authorize our entry to the country with our weapons. All we need to do is plan our attack."

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