Chapter 22

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*TW: Suicidal thoughts*

Sleeping on the same bed as Izan had become the norm for us. Each night he came back from his Mafia meetings, there would be blood on him. He reassured me he only killed bad people, never innocents, and I didn't push any further.

If I knew anything about his not-so-innocent activities, I would be an accomplice, and then if I get caught by the police one day and they do a polygraph test, I'd fail the first question. I was a terrible liar. So, if I answered, 'I don't know,' I wouldn't be lying and pass the test. 

Criminal Minds was messing with my head.

"JJ is a badbutt," I commented once Izan got out of the shower and dropped next to me on his bed.

"Who's JJ?" he asked, and I gasped so loudly, ready to reprimand his lack of knowledge of all things great. "Is she a character in Criminal Minds?" he quickly added, fearing my wrath or my chattering.

I smiled when he finally started to get my random comments. 

He tolerated me for the past three months, and I applauded his efforts. I wouldn't tolerate myself for that long. Maybe I wasn't that bad. "Yes, she is a momma bear and will kill you if you go near her baby boy! I will kill anyone with ill intentions if they get near my babies, Alvaro included."

The side of his lips curled up, and it was the closest to a smile I could get from him. "Vera," he started as he sat cross-legged and faced me. I mirrored his position. "I think your dad knows you are with me."

My eyes widened. "Ça ne peut pas arriver. Cet enfoiré doit rester loin de sa famille," I yelled, while counting to ten in my head. [That can't fucking happen. That motherfucker must stay away from his family.]

"Did you just curse in French?" he asked with one raised eyebrow.

I nodded. "I never curse in English, and I know five languages. I will take advantage of them to the fullest," I explained, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my dad knew my whereabouts. I was surprised it took him that long to figure it out, to be honest. "Are you sure?"

"Si, he sent his driver to deliver the message."

My heart was beating way too fast. "Robert? Please tell me you didn't kill him! He is the only good person there. And what message?"

"Yes, Robert, and no, I didn't kill him." He placed his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. I was hyperventilating. "Breathe, Vera," he guided me along, and I felt my heartbeats slow down after a few minutes of focusing on Izan's breathing. "You good?"

"Yes, thanks. Now, what message?"

"He said he would come and take you back, but that's not going to happen. Not while I'm still alive," he reassured me. I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded.

He will come and get me.

I so did not miss Mia, or Heath, or Dad.

"I would rather end my life than go back to that estate," I whispered without really thinking, and Izan's hands tightened on my shoulders. He didn't hurt me but made sure I looked him in the eyes. There were flames in his eyes, not literally.

He didn't like what I just confessed.

I didn't like what I unconsciously confessed, either.

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