Chapter 28

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Trigger Warning: Foul language (more than usual) and blood.

"I get that you're locking me in this dang cabin, but why are you handcuffing me to the bed? It's not like I can outrun gunned gorilla men," I asked Heath once he locked the cuffs. I had an idea why he was doing this, but I decided to ignore it for now. It was too terrifying to say aloud.

Happy thoughts, Verena.

The ugly duckling smirked, but he looked more like an ugly version of a pig. "Handcuffs add vibe to the sex," he replied with confidence, and my eyes widened in fear for a split second, but I masked my emotions. 

I mustn't show any weakness.

"I never knew you had a fetish. Have you been practicing all these years? Good for you. The cuffs would suit you better behind bars." I smiled while silently praying for someone to come and rescue me.

A day with the ugly duckling was too long to endure. I was done seeing his face. I hoped he had a special spot in Hell.

"You still have that smart mouth of yours. Oh, the things I'll do to you..." He tried to hold my chin, but I kicked his knee, making the cuffs jiggle around my wrists, scratching me in the process. 

He backed down, angry at my actions. "I'll go handle something downstairs, and I'll get back to you to have our fun."

I spat at his face.

He didn't see that coming, and I grinned at his stunned expression. "I will end you," I promised in a calm tone, and he slapped my cheek hard. I didn't flinch or show any sigh of pain and continued smiling, irritating him more. 

He stormed out of the room like a child and locked the door. "Now what?" I stared at the window near the bed and sighed.

I fought way too many times in this cabin to keep my virginity intact. He never succeeded, but with the handcuffs this time, I was afraid he might get what he wanted the most. He was a low-life prick, but Dexter was the bigger prick for allowing this to happen.

I tugged on the cuffs, trying to break the dashboard, but I was either too weak or the wood was too strong. I was betting on the latter. "I'm superwoman."

"You'll get out of here, Verena. The ugly duckling will not ruin you!" I encouraged myself as I extended my legs to open the drawers near the bed. At least he removed my heels, making it easier to grab the handle with my toes.

"Ouch, cramps, now! Really?" I slammed my foot on the edge of the bed and waited a few minutes until the cramps subsided.

"You can do it," I whispered and tried again. I managed to open the first drawer this time and almost cheered when I saw small scissors. "Now I need to be super flexible to get them, don't break your bones, Verena! I should've become a stripper. They're flexible enough." 

As I started my battle to get my weapon, I heard yelling downstairs. I paused for a second. I recognized Dexter's voice. He was shouting at Heath, but I focused on my task.

They can kill each other for all I care.

I twisted my body in a weird angle to the right, raised my foot, and placed it inside the drawer. The edges cut my flesh since the wood was old, but I didn't really care. 

I kept flexing my bones until I finally managed to slip one hole of the scissors inside my toe. I carefully lifted my foot and sat cross-legged on the bed with the scissors pointed upwards. Both my hands were confined, so I had to rely on my feet. 

I was panting so hard.

I'm out of shape.

No, you are not.

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