Chapter 32

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*Make sure to read chapter 31 first*

"Papa, can you not send any more documents to Vera?" I heard Izan say to his dad, and Marco looked at me right before he could hit send. He was debating what to do since he didn't want to upset his son or me.

I sat properly on the couch with the laptop on my thighs—radiation and whatnot. "I don't mind working another hour, Izan," I remarked, reassuring him that I was fine.

It had been weeks since we became an official couple, and he was as grumpy as ever yet so clingy like a koala to a tree. Except I was not a tree. I was maybe a branch.

Do you ever get tired of your own jokes?


His extreme attachment surprised me since I didn't take him as the emotional type of man. Yet again, he cuddled with me every night, and I loved every bit of it.

Luckily, he never asked for more than hugs and kisses, and I appreciated it. I didn't know if I was willing to melt away my V card just yet. It was the only thing intact in my life.

Other than my new-found family.

Izan shook his head and closed my laptop, taking it from me. We were in one of their main buildings, working on a new project with a French businessman. The online meeting ended two hours ago, but I had work to get done.

I had to translate his requests to Marco and Izan and reply with their sometimes vulgar answers.

Working with the Guererro Mafia was fun. Juan and Carlos occasionally gave their input, and Zulimar would just watch in silence.

Izan held my hands and helped me stand up from the very comfortable couch in his office. "That's enough. You have been working for hours. It's five now, and Alvaro has been nagging me to bring you home. He wants you to tell him a bedtime story," he explained, and I finally felt excited to leave. I missed my little buddy.

"We can tell who's her favorite," Juan commented, earning a glare from his boss. I just rolled my eyes and agreed.

"Alvaro is my absolute favorite, no offense to the rest," I said, and Izan just looked heartbroken—dramatic butt. "Man up, you are a Mafia boss, for goodness' sake. Don't be such a baby."

"Maybe then I can be your favorite since you apparently prefer my baby brother over me."

He was sulking, and I laughed my heart out. Marco and Zulimar shook their heads, amused at the sight, and Juan took a video of his boss, most likely to send it to Jose, who was staying home.

His injuries were healing slowly, and Camila and Henry advised that he should rest for at least a month. It had been three weeks since he was discharged from the hospital, and he was dying to get back to work.

"Hermana, just kiss his bruised ego, and let's go," Carlos suggested with a smirk, and Izan smacked his head. "I don't regret a thing!"

"Of course, you don't; only people with brains do, and you clearly don't have any," Izan countered, and I smiled at their dynamics. They were more like brothers than anything, and I was a part of this family. I was lucky and grateful.

As I wanted to walk to the door, I winced when my cramps returned. This was my second and worst day, and I was proud of myself for not going into beast mode on anyone yet.

I had a hate-love relationship with Mother Nature. I hated it for obvious reasons but loved it for its aftereffects.

I always feel like a new woman, ready to conquer the world.

The Mafia and Her ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang