Chapter 29 - Izan

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When Verena fell asleep on the jet, we didn't make a sound all the way home. It was the quietest flight I had ever taken in my life. 

She looked exhausted. Her wrists were scratched and slightly bleeding, and her feet were red with blisters. She fought for herself by herself, and I was so fucking proud of her.

I was worried about being too late, but it turned out we were right on time. My girl held her ground. 

Heath is a dead man once I see him

Dexter was another story for another day. I didn't want to think about these bastards when I had an angel next to me.

"Izan," Vera whispered next to me, but she didn't lift her head from my shoulder. I let go of my phone and looked at her, worried she was uncomfortable. "Are we home yet?" she asked, still half asleep. My heart expanded each time she said home.

"Not yet. Sleep."

She hugged my arm tightly but didn't close her eyes. "I'm wide awake now," she whispered with one of those smiles that I used to hate but had grown to anticipate their arrival. I was doomed. 

"I love your tattoos." She said the most random shit sometimes, but I enjoyed it. She had everything I lacked, and I felt complete with her in my life. She was my...

My what?

I didn't allow myself to think deeper, and instead, focused on the topic at hand. "Do you want to get one?" I asked, eyeing Carlos and Zulimar, who were silently watching us. 

This was the first time I saw them get emotional over anything, let alone a human. I was glad they valued Verena. They considered her part of the family.

She sighed and exclaimed, "I don't know, it's scary! All the needles and tools, but I like them on you better. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, let me admire yours." She traced her fingers on the dark ink, and I simply let her. Her touch was gentle. 

Carlos and Zulimar smirked at me like they could read my mind, and I flipped them off, earning laughs from them.

This is not too bad.


"Veve!" My family was waiting for us outside my house. Alvaro ran toward Verena the moment she stepped out of the car, and she dropped to her knees to hug him. "Are you okay, Veve?"

Her smile was wide, as always, but I noticed her eyes weren't glowing. They lacked something, and this sight was like a punch to my guts. I didn't want to see her like this. I wanted her always to be happy. 

"Never been better, buddy! How are you? I missed you," she asked, kissing his head.

She tried to mask her sadness, but my brother was way too smart for his own good. "I missed you too, but why are you bleeding?" As he asked that, Camila jumped in and inspected Vera's hands and feet.

After a moment of silence, she sighed in relief.

"Your cuts are shallow. You need to shower and bandage your wrists. I can do that if you want." Camila patted Vera's shoulder with a smile.

Before Verena could reply, I stepped in. "I will do it," I stated, earning a weird look from Mama Vivian and Camila. They didn't comment and chose to change the subject. 

When everyone finished hugging Verena, and after Juan assured her that Jose was alright, I tugged on her shirt, pointing to the house.

Vera nodded. "I'll clean up and then, if possible, visit Jose."

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