He explains to his mother who he is

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"Mom, it's me!" Little girl Paul says.

"Me who? You aren't my daughter." She said. "I only have a son."

"Yes, I know and his name is Paul," Little Paul tries explaining. "He wet the bed until he was seven. His father was a baseball player. You were a stay at home mom all of his childhood life."

He blushes "you made me wear pull-ups until I was ten. Being a new mom you were always doing things uniquely."

She smiles, "Paul! It really is you." She hugs the little girl.

"Honey how did this happened to you?" little-girl-Paul's mom said.

"I don't know exactly" s/he whispered trying to analyze the situation: "I've found this strange medallion outdoor and then it's landed in the leotard box... when I caught it again I felt a strange sesation and then... then..." she starts crying pointing her own new body.
Mom huggs her and says "it's ok honey, it's ok.... we're gonna to fix this, don't worry" and kisses her forehead.
"for now, just wait till i finish my lesson then we're going in the storage-room to see if there is anything better than a leotard you can wear"
Paul nods and waits.


After half an hour lesson finishes and girls are allowed to go away, leaving Paul and her mom alone.
"c'mon sweetie" she says" follow me.

The storage room is full of boxes with clothes carried by girls parents if they need a change.
Often occurs that when a dancer grows up, her parents don't ask back for the old clothes, so there are many clothes without an owner.
Paul's mom open one of that boxes and look for something that could fit her son's new body.
After a brief search, she give her a blue dress with flowers on it.
Paul is a bit upset at the idea of wearing this and asks "mom is not there something less feminine?"
She nods but says "there are some trousers, but you know what I think about girls dressing like boys"
"but I'm a boy, mom!" Paul screamed, though knowing too well her mother old-fashioned mindset.
"Actually, darling, you are not more..." she smiles her to help her to take it easy "sweetheart, I know it's difficult, and I knok you didn't want this: I don't want too. But we don't know how much time this change will last, or if this is permanent... and in that case, I don't want to raise you up as a tomboy... we don't want to betray our values, do we?"
Though upset, Paul understood and taking the dress said "at least it isn't a pink robe". Both laughed.

Once she was dressed, her mother said "you look pretty" making her blush. So they got into car directed to...

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