The date

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The date went well. Melissa looked marvellous. Her rust coloured dress showed off her lithe young figure without making her look slutty. She had accessorised with a green belt and handbag. The colours of which matched her eyes. 20 minutes into the romantic comedy they had decided upon, Melissa's hand sought out "Pauls" in the dark. Mandy had trouble concentrating on the movie, all he could think of was the young girl sitting beside him. Her scent was entrancing. He was horribly aware of the constant stiffy in his pants. It would not go down. He kept a gentle grip on Melissa's hand. She never tried to take it away.

After the movie they went to dinner at McDonald's. Paul paid for Melissa's meal. McDonald's was all the real Paul could have afforded. Mandy would have liked to have taken Melissa somewhere a little more upmarket. But McDonald's was where Paul had planned to take the girl and Mandy had to stay in character. Melissa seemed happy enough. Perhaps now that Paul was dating Mandy needed to raise his allowance?

They talked about their families. Melissa had been bought into town by her 21 year old sister and the sisters date. They were going to the theatre. Melissa actually asked "Paul" if he would mind hanging out with her for a couple more hours until her sister's show finished. In return she promised "Paul" a lift home. Mandy texted his own phone to inform the real Paul of his likely delayed return. Melissa just assumed he was letting his mother know that he would be later home than expected. She thought Paul was very thoughtful.

Melissa asked about Paul's family and he explained it was just him and his Mum and when questioned further explained what had happened to his dad. She then asked Paul what his Mum did for a living.

'She's a ballet teacher. She was a professional until I was born but then had to give up'

'Was she good?'

'Yeah very good. At one stage she was second to the principal but then she got pregnant'

'Oh that's sad. You must feel a bit guilty that you ruined her career'

Mandy didn't know how to reply. Had Paul ever even considered how his birth had affected her? He didn't think so. But then he wasn't to blame. He wasn't the one who got pregnant.

He changed the subject 'Have you ever done ballet yourself?'

'No. I wanted to when I was little but then I wanted to do everything. Mum said I could choose only one after school activity. I chose athletics'

'Do you still do athletics?'

'No. My breasts got too big. I was embarrassed about how much they bounced and besides I wasn't that good'

Melissa was impressed herself about how easy it was to talk to Paul. At school he had seemed a bit shy and tongue tied around her, (and to be truthful any girl). She had dropped the reference about bouncing breasts on purpose to gauge his reaction. He passed with flying colours. She detected a slight blush but he wasn't crude at all in his response. 'My mother has often told me that breasts have their down sides and can bounce too much. I sympathise for you. Can't you get bras to stop the bounce?' He actually seemed genuine.

'Oh I've embarrassed you haven't I. I guess I shouldn't speak about feminine things. You're my first boyfriend. I'm not very experienced about talking to boys'

'I guess I'm rather naïve myself.' They both had a chuckle.

They had two hours to fill in before Melissa's sister would meet them. They went to a game parlour and had a go at a multitude of games. Mandy had put an extra $100 in Paul's wallet and that now came in handy. Melissa seemed to be enjoying herself. She wasn't very good at many of the games but then neither was Mandy. No doubt the real Paul would have been embarrassed about how inept "Paul" was at video games. However he did very well at a basketball hoops shooting game and won a huge roll of tickets.

He gave the tickets to Melissa who cashed them in for a large purple cuddly elephant.

It was after this that Melissa drew him to a game in the far corner of the arcade. It was there that Melissa wrapped her arms around him and looked at him longingly.

Mandy instinctively knew what the girl was after and put his mouth to hers. "Paul" and Melissa shared their first kiss.

And what a kiss it was. Even Mandy an experienced kisser was impressed. Neither of them wanted to be the one to break it off. Mandy could taste Melissa's cherry flavoured lipstick. He loved her scent. It was new to Mandy. Like Chanel but not the Chanel No. 5 he used himself.

Eventually Melissa broke it off 'Wow! That was really nice' the young girl uttered. 'My sister told me to expect something really sloppy but that was ........ Wow!'

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