Paul changes again

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'Well it's a time thing. Evidently a single body can only be changed by the medallion once every 12 hours' explained Mandy. 'Someone else could change but not the same person'

'I have no idea what you mean Mum'

'What I mean is if you change at say 6 O'clock in the morning then you can't change again until 6 O'clock at night'

'So are you telling me that I could have changed back before Kimberly an Naomi came around?'

'Well yes but no. They were coming around to see Madeline. So I had to keep you as Madeline'

'Mum do you realize how embarrassing it was giving you a fashion parade? Look at me. I look like a cute little girl'

'Well you seemed to be having fun'

'I was faking it. I had to I couldn't live if anyone found out that was me'

'So what do I do? Touch my clothes again?'

'Yes it changes you into the last person who wore the clothes you touch'

'Well where is it? Give it to me. I have to change back. Simon's having a party tonight and I told him I would be there'

'Well here it is. I wanted to keep it somewhere safe' Mandy wore the medallion as a necklace around her neck. She took it off but did not immediately give it to Paul 'Aren't you having fun being a little girl? I was thinking we could go shopping together. I could change you back when we get home. I always wanted a daughter. Please'

'No Mum. I don't want to be a little girl for any longer than I need to. Give me the medallion now!'

'That's no way for a little girl to speak to her mother. I should give you a spanking'

Paul lost it. 'This not funny Mum' He snatched the medallion from Mandy's hand. 'Ouch. That hurt'

She ran to her room and touched the medallion to the jeans he had worn Thursday night. She didn't feel a zap but it felt like something was happening. She was getting taller. She quickly took of the little girl top she had been wearing but not having a mirror in her room and curious to watch the change, she picked up some of her male undies and the jeans she had touched and moved to the bathroom.

Mandy watched from the kitchen as little girl Paul still wearing her skirt and sandals but topless ran down the hallway to the bathroom. Mandy guessed that maybe Paul wasn't going to get the change he was expecting. She had read last night what happened if two people touched the medallion at the same time.

Sure enough ten minutes later she heard a wail from the bathroom than what sounded like a teenage girl called out 'Mum! Somethings wrong'

Mandy opened the door and walked in. Paul was distressed. She was naked but for some ill fitting male undies. Those undies did not contain a bulge but Paul was developing a bulge, two actually, on his chest. As Mandy had guessed Paul was turning into her twin.

'What happened? Why am I turning into a woman?'

'You are turning into me Paul. You should not have snatched the medallion from my hand. We were both touching it at the same time. I won't change because it's less than 12 hours since my change, otherwise we would be swapping bodies. I suppose I had better find you something to wear'

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