1st base

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They played NBA 2K, which Dave won yet again, then Vampire survivors. Dave was amazed how much fun it was to be with Mrs Jenkinson. She was an awesomely cool woman. When a round of Vampire Survivors was over (won by Mrs Jenkinson!). He took the opportunity to ask questions about girls.

'So when a girl says I'm no fun to go shopping with what does she mean?'

'Well girls like shopping for clothes and pretty things. I guess she just wants you to pay for her. Buy her something. That should please her' Paul had no idea but she had recalled how her Mum had suggested she pay for Melissa.

'And kissing. Tracy said I was a sloppy kisser. What does that mean?'

Now Paul was an inexperienced kisser herself, but she couldn't let Dave know this. How should she answer this? 'You probably are. It takes practice to be a good kisser'

'Should you use your tongue?'

Paul considered this. 'Probably wait until she uses hers first. If she uses tongue that's a signal that you should as well'

'And do you think I need a haircut?'

Paul looked at Dave. She had never really considered Dave's looks from the point of view as a female before. Dave was tall, about 6 foot and probably still growing. He was slim but had wide shoulders. He had a skinny bum which Paul had to admit was attractive when seen through female eyes. He did have a dorky haircut. 'Yes you need a new haircut'

'Mum cuts my hair' Dave replied with regret in his voice.

'It looks like she just uses a bowl. You should go to Georges, that's where I....tell Paul ... to go'

'Yeah Paul looks pretty cool according to Tracy'

Paul smiled inwardly at this admission. Perhaps Tracy was a fall-back girlfriend if Melissa didn't work out. She wasn't bad looking. Paul was thoughtful for a moment then finally asked the question that she had been wanting to voice all afternoon 'So what did you do that made Tracy break up with you?'

'We met near the shops this morning. We went down to the creek. We kissed and I reminded her that Paul and Melissa had got to first base and that we hadn't. That seemed to really upset her. She told me how Paul deserved to get there but I didn't. She stormed off. I chased after her but then she told me we were finished and that I was ugly and insensitive and that our relationship was over. I just don't get it.

'Hmm' Paul didn't know what to say. She didn't get it either.

'Don't girls like getting their breasts touched?'

Paul knew the answer to this. 'They sure do. It feels fantastic as long as it's gentle. They love being caressed. But you have to be gentle to the nipples they are really sensitive'

'How should you do it? Perhaps I was a bit rough to Tracy?'

'Is that an admission?'

'Yeah I grabbed at her. She didn't like it all'

'Had she given you permission?'

Sheepishly Dave replied 'No'

Even Paul knew what had gotten Tracy upset. 'The girl needs to give permission. You've blown it with her'

'I know. But I have never felt a breast. I thought she would be as eager as I was'

Paul knew Dave needed help. Was she prepared to give it? Talking of touching breasts had unleashed an intense desire. She had fondled her own breasts but the thought of someone else touching her made her very moist. Her nipples were very erect. She could see them showing through her bra and top.

'I might give you permission. But you have to promise to be gentle'

'What do you mean?'

Paul stood up and moved between between Dave and the TV. She reached down offering both hands. Dave grasped her hands and with her help pulled himself up so he was standing in front of her. As he reached his full height Paul realised her eyes were level with his chin. She gazed up into his eyes then bought his hands one at a time to her breasts.

Dave got the idea. His hands cupped each breast and she could feel his fingers trace around her nipples. She said in a quiet voice 'Remember to be gentle. Caress them. Don't grab'

Paul felt proud of her breasts. She had adult breasts, C-cups. Much bigger than those that Tracy possessed. They did like to be touched. And Paul had to admit that her body found Dave attractive.

'I said don't grab' Dave had squeezed her left nipple. It hurt 'That's what you can't do. It totally kills the mood'

'I'm sorry' Dave had withdrawn his hands.

'I think that's enough of a lesson for today. You had better go home'

'Yeah. I'm so sorry Mrs Jenkinson'

'Don't be. I gave you permission and it was fun' She thought of her Mother's work schedule. 'Monday afternoon at 3.30. Come back and we might do some kissing practice' Paul was shocked about the statement she had just made. Where did that come from?

Dave's face had a tremendous smile. If he had arrived in a down mood he was going to return home feeling on top of the world. 'I'll see you then Mrs Jenkinson'

Paul had not considered the situation she had just put her mother into.

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