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Mandy was slightly taken aback when his doppelganger opened the door. He had expected to see fat Paul, but then it dawned on him that Paul would have changed back as soon as he could. He was happy to see that Paul shared his new hair cut. Paul had been sensible enough to change using the shirt Mandy had returned from the barber in.

'I saw the kiss'

'You shouldn't spy on me'

'I wasn't. I was spying on myself. I need to know how far you got. Come in and tell me all'

Mandy really felt like a teenage boy as he related his evening to his twin. It was as if he was bragging about how far he had got to a friend. It didn't feel right to be telling someone else, what to he and Melissa, had been some very private moments. But Paul did need to know everything, all the little details if he was to seamlessly continue developing the relationship with Melissa that Mandy had kicked off. Mandy even described feeling the lacy brassiere Melissa had been wearing.

'Wow! That's fantastic!' Paul seemed overjoyed

'She wants you to go shopping with her at Cavel square tomorrow. Expect her to text you a time'

'Gee you sure move fast Mum' Mandy felt himself blushing. He was a real Casanova. That reminded Mandy of who he really was. He was a middle aged woman. A mother of a teenage boy experiencing his first romantic encounters with the opposite sex. Yet here he was physically living those experiences for Paul. This medallion was an amazing thing.

Mandy glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only about 10.30 'Well I can't change for another couple of hours so I guess I'll remain in this body for the night. Can you lend me some of your peejays? My own no longer seem appropriate'

Tired as he was though Mandy had trouble getting to sleep. The memories of his date, kissing Melissa and feeling her breasts remained as did the constantly erect penis. In the end he decided that he had to physically do something about that penis. He ended up ejaculating into his own satin nightgown, which had been under the pillow. When he finally slept it was while imagining that the lingering feminine scent in the room belonged to Melissa, not himself.

The MedallionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora