USJ: I'll Take You All On!

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Tomura: Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who were eager to meet him. They want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here.

Tomura Shigaraki was annoyed. The intel they recovered said All Might would be here today, yet the big oaf was nowhere in sight. This was the worst! It's just like a raid in Destiny where after getting all the pawns for your fire team and fighting through mob after mob of enemies, the game suddenly glitches and you can't face the final boss. 

But then, he suddenly got a great idea.

Tomura: Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play.

As the army of villains walked from the portal, several were quickly picked off by blue plasma shots. Tomura looked at the source and saw a student wearing an admittedly cool costume, that kinda reminded him of All Might shooting at the villains with some cool-looking blasters.

Tomura: Such a cool-looking Quirk. And not hesitating to fire on the enemy. This kid's got balls.

Who was this kid?


From his position near the entrance, Optimus continued to fire on the Villains with his Ion Blasters. He managed to hit half a dozen before they wised up and started avoiding his shots.

Aizawa: Prime stop! You're only provoking them!

Optimus looked back at his teacher, who had pulled his yellow goggles over his eyes and had his scarf waving through the air. Optimus complied with the command and changed his hands back to normal.

Eijiro: Real villains? No way. How could so many of them show up here in a facility so secure?

Momo: Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?

Thirteen looked back at the students from her shoulder.

Thirteen: Good question. I'm not sure.

Optimus: If I had to guess, it may be they have either someone with a Quirk to disable the alarms or that they cut off the alarms before the attack.

Shoto: Is the entire campus under attack? Or is it just this facility? They chose to attack this isolated facility at an ideal time while class was starting. They're fools for starting this attack, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?

Optimus: Agreed.

Optimus was impressed with Shoto's deductive abilities. He'd make a fine commanding officer.

All the other students gasped in fear at both Optimus and Shoto's words. Aizawa walked up to Thirteen.

Aizawa: Thirteen, get them out of here. And alert the main campus. 

Optimus: I do not believe that would work, Mr. Aizawa. If they can block our sensors, they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Denki, see if you can use your Quirk to contact the school.

Denki was surprised by the order from his class rep but found no reason to argue as he got to work. 

Aizawa was impressed by Optimus Prime once again. While the others were panicking about what to do, the Prime stayed calm and focused, thinking about the best way to handle the situation and who would be best for it. Like he knew how to handle situations like this.

Aizawa: "Has he been in situations like this before?"

Aizawa shook his head. He could figure all that out later. Right now he had even bigger problems to deal with as he looked out to the villains approaching.

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