A Prime Obstacle

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A group of General Education students were surrounded by half a dozen robots, shaking in terror. None of them had a Quirk to deal with these robots, which was why they were placed in the General Class to begin with.

Student 1: What was U.A. thinking?! Why would they throw these things at us knowing we didn't have a Quirk to deal with it?!

As the robots loomed over them with their menacing red eyes, blue plasma shots impacted the side of several robots, drawing their attention away from the General Ed students. The students looked in surprise to see Optimus Prime come charging into the battlefield, both his hands transformed into Ion Blasters.

 A three-pointer aimed and fired a volley of missiles at the Prime. Optimus leaped over the missiles and rolled on the ground. Seeing the robot was about to fire more missiles, Optimus fired a shot to its shoulder which caused it to turn slightly sending its missiles directly in the path of its fellow robots.

The friendly fire made quick work of the other robots, clearing a path for the general ed students, who all looked at Optimus in awe.

Optimus: The way is now clear. Go now!

Student 2: But why would you help us? You don't know us. And this is a competition?

Optimus: Do I need a reason to help when someone is in danger?

His words struck a chord with the students who looked at him in awe. He then turned away and walked toward more robots, moving to help more students in trouble.

General Student 3: Man, I thought that guy was probably all talk at first, but he's the real deal.

General Student 4: You said it. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side.


As Optimus was busy hanging in the back and saving the students who couldn't defend themselves, the rest of Class 1-A was pushing on. The whole class showed no hesitation as they rushed through the Robo Inferno. A skill and trait they picked up on after their close encounter with villains at the U.S.J. As Aizawa put it best, they learned not to hesitate, because hesitation leads to death.

Present Mic: Wow! Almost all of Class 1-A is tearing through the Robo Inferno with no problem. But it seems one member of the stars of today is hanging in the back taking down the remaining inferno! What do you think your star student is up to Eraserhead?!

Aizawa: He taking down the majority of the robots. Isn't that obvious?

Present Mic: Uh, he does know this is a race right? Taking down more bots won't grant him a spot in the next round.

Aizawa: He knows. He just doesn't care. Optimus Prime isn't motivated by the promise of victory or the glory of first place. All he cares about is making sure his classmates are safe. It's why he rushed in when that Zero Pointer fell after Todoroki froze it.

Present Mic: Well, looks like this is as much as we'll see out of Optimus Prime in the whole festival.

Aizawa: Don't read the will just yet. He might just manage to surprise us.

Present Mic looked to his long-time friend in surprise. It was rare to see him speak so highly of a student, much less a first-year. Did Aizawa have faith in one of his students?


Optimus had just cut down the last of the smaller robots with his sword before transforming his hand back to normal. He then extended the hand to a downed student who graciously took it.

Optimus: Are you okay?

The person he held was a blond girl with a mix of Japanese and American heritage, as well as a set of horns on her head and hooves for feet.

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