Chapter 5

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          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

 If he was to find out the lady's true attentions he had to at least know her name and household she belongs to

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If he was to find out the lady's true attentions he had to at least know her name and household she belongs to. Just then his grace sat down his fork and the sound of it hitting his plate caused complete silence at the table. He wiped his mouth with a cloth before speaking. "So" he said gaining their attention, "what is your name if you don't mind me asking" he asked. "Amora Haku" she said in a bit of a whisper but he was still able to hear her. The Haku family he heard of them, they were the viscounts who died and that unexpected fire he remembered it from when he was younger back when his father was the Duke. They're passing hit the hearts of many as they were hated by none even his father had respect for the viscount.

But now he's heard a few bad rumors about the  brother who took over the viscounts title. It was said that he wasn't the kindest man and the most untrustworthy. as the grand Duke it's Raul's job to visit homes of high ranking nobles to build connections and trust but with the assignments his majesty the emperor has been giving him he hasn't had the time.

Raul cleared his throat before picking back up his fork and diverting his eyes from hers. "I'm sorry for your loss" he said Amora was surprised by his sudden apology but accepted it best she could. "It's fine really" she said. They all went back to silently eating with nothing but the sound of their forks hitting their plates. After dinner with the Duke and his sister it was time for Amora to go. There was this twisting feeling in her stomach when she realized that she had to face her aunt and uncle after disappearing for a few hours. Raul noticed the look on her face that worried him for some reason but he ignored it.

Raul offered to help Amora into the carriage but once again she didn't take his hand instead she climbed into the carriage herself. This was the second time she's done that but instead of Raul being offended he was intrigued. He was just going to send her home but now for some reason he wanted to know more about her not just for his sister but for himself as well and before he knew he was climbing into the carriage with her.

He sat opposite of her as the carriage door was shut and eventually took off. The ride was silent but he couldn't help but glance at Amora every few minutes to see if he could read her. Raul was good at reading people it was a skill he had to learn. after his father died that left his family vulnerable and there were many people who sought to take advantage of that vulnerability but very few who genuinely wanted to help. he had to figure out who was who for the sake of his mother and his sister.

They arrived at the Haku family manor after an 2 hour ride. But it wasn't at all the way he remembered it, the gardens were dead even though it was the middle of spring. The news papers were piling up outside of their door along with other letters.

Raul couldn't believe what he was seeing as he climbed out of the carriage. "This is your home?" Raul asked Amora still looking at the house as she got out of the carriage. "Yes" she replied. They walked up to the door step but on they're way he spotted horses who looks as though they haven't been feed and months. this place was in such poor conditions that you wouldn't even think someone lived there. This wasn't something his grace couldn't just turn a blind eye to. after today's visit he was definitely going to do some digging.

Raul stood behind Amora a bit out of view as she knocked on the door of the manor. If this was how they treated their property he couldn't imagine how they treated people. After the second knock the door finally swung open and a furious looking woman stood there in the door way. "You, where have you been you ratch-" she said but stopped immediately mid sentence when she saw Raul standing there. "Y-Your Grace?!" She said saying his name loud as if she was trying to notify or warn someone of Raul's presence. "To what do we owe the pleasure?" she asked changing her entire attitude in the matter of seconds but with Raul's skill he could see past the fake smile and respectful words.

"I was just here to drop the lady off but I saw your lands and horses and thought that maybe I should come in and have a talk" said Raul. Amores aunt looked horrified she definitely didn't want to let his grace in but she knew she couldn't refuse him, so she did.

They made their way inside but just as Raul was about to venture off into the living room he was stopped by a greeting from the Viscount. He could tell that was the man he's heard whispers about just by looking at his face. The inside of the house looked a little better than the outside but he noticed a few things like the furniture was fairly brand new. Just then the viscount offed his hand to his grace snapping him out of his thoughts. "Your grace it's a pleasure to finally meet you" he said Raul looked at his hand before pushing past him. "Yes likewise" he said but Amora could tell he didn't mean it. They got to the living area and Raul took a seat and so did the viscount and his wife just stood idly behind him.

Amora came to take a seat next to him but he stopped her. "Go, this is an adult conversation you shall see your way to your room" he said to Amora in a stern threatening whisper thinking that his grace couldn't hear him but he was quite wrong especially with the powers Raul have. That happy look she had on her face when she was with Rya completely disappeared the moment they walked in. It was like her face went dull and cold, Raul turned his stare back to the viscount. "I'd actually quite prefer that she stayed" he said which shocked everyone.

Raul need to get the complete picture of they're family dynamic and he couldn't do that if Amora was in her room the entire time. "I- very well then" said the viscount wanting to protest but didn't, after all this was the man he was trying to marry Amora off to if he still hoped for that plan then he had to play nice. Amora changed direction and came to take a seat next to the viscount but not to close to him which Raul immediately took notice to. Just then the maids brought out some tea and the conversation began.

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