Chapter 27

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                           In the royal capital;
Location: The royal palace

"Have you sent the invitation" asked his majesty "Yes your Majesty I just got word today that it has reached the Duchess of Romiro" said his majesty's Personal servant Vince Banner. "Good, have everything prepared for tomorrow night" said his majesty Godric with an evil smirk "Yes your majesty" said Vice Banner before leaving the throne room Rushing past the crowned Empress, Empress Elizabeth who was just walking up to the throne room doors. "Hm? Darling what are you planning?" Asked Empress Elizabeth quietly to her self not daring to ask her husband the emperor out loud as she watched the emperor servant rush down the halls.

She got in the throne room and stood in front of the emperor before bowing. She needed to make a play soon this matter of the emperor not choosing a successor has gone on for way to long and if she didn't act now her daughter will never Secure the throne. "Empress Elizabeth? Why have you come here?" Asked Emperor Godric. "Your majesty, I had gotten a request from the kingdom of Bloomdill to marry Princess Audrey to the crown Prince of Bloomdill" she said. "And what might this Prince magical status be?" Asked the Emperor causing Empress Elizabeth to freeze up for a moment. "Well?" Said his majesty growing inpatient with his wife. "He-He has none your majesty" she said.

The emperor got angry balling his fist tightly before standing up and throwing his glass of wine to the ground at the empress feet. Empress Elizabeth Flinched as she looked at her husband in terror.

"YOU DARE ASK ME TO MARRY MY DAUGHTER OFF TO AN POWERLESS PRINCE!!?!!" He yelled so loudly that the entire palace could probably hear him. "IF ANY OF THE PRINCESSES ARE TO MARRY ANYONE IT WILL BE THE DUKE OF ROMIRO, I WILL HAVE MY BLOODLINE OF MANA MAGES EVEN IF I HAVE TO SLAUGHTER THE CURRENT ONE" he said with a twisted evil expression on his face as he looked at the horrified face of the Crowned Empress. Soon the emperor calmed down before taking a seat back onto his throne chair. "Get Out Of My Sight You Useless Woman" he said looking away from the empress and shooing her away with his hand as if she was a pest near his face.

The empress left the throne room in silence not daring to speak a word until she got to her room. Once she was alone in her room she began to kick over things and break others smashing them onto the ground. "That Idiot Man" she said Trembling  with anger "He has gone years without naming a successor or marrying any of the princess all because of his futile obsession with Mana mages, I'll show him, my children will be the ones who take over this  kingdom and not those whores and their incompetent children" she said as she looked out at the kingdom from her bedroom window.

I will have what I want even if I have to go through that old bag of bones to get it she thought to herself before closing the curtains and storming out of her bedroom. "Clean that up!, if you leave even a piece behind and I cut myself I'll have your head and your family's" said the empress to her personal maid before pushing past her causing her to fall to the floor with a scared look on her face.

                            The Grand Dukedom
Location; The Grand Dukedom's Palace.

Amora was wandering around the palace when she ran into Evelyn the dukes mother and her mother in law. Evelyn spotted Amora and immediately stopped to talk with her. "Why hello dear" she said with a warm smile "Hello Mother Evelyn" she Amora. she had remembered that Raul likes to be addressed in a way that makes them look close and thought that maybe that was the case with Evelyn as well seeing as she doesn't seem that different in personality from her children. But Amoras not that comfortable with addressing Evelyn by just her name and not her last name or without lady and madam so she decided to compromise. "Mother Evelyn?" Evelyn repeated, oh do she not like that name?! Amora thought about to start panicking thinking that she had offended her but to her surprise Evelyn smiled happily.

"Would you like to have tea with me? I got some lovely sweets from a great bakery in the town earlier" she said "Sure!" Said Amora, this was going to be her first time having tea alone with Evelyn and she hoped that it goes well. after all she did want Evelyn to like her.

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