Chapter 13

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   ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

This was it for her she thought as she fell fast down from her top window, she closed her eyes tightly fully papered to hit the ground when she suddenly stopped falling and it felt more like she was floating

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This was it for her she thought as she fell fast down from her top window, she closed her eyes tightly fully papered to hit the ground when she suddenly stopped falling and it felt more like she was floating. "Amora are you alright?" A worried voice asked. Amora opened her eyes to see that the duke had caught her and was holding her bridal style in his arms. She was shocked, she looked up at the window she fell from and then at him, how did he? She questioned in her head but was too drained to ask out loud. "I-" was all she could get out before she passed out in his graces arms.

The next morning

Amora was asleep until she heard noises outside her door she opened her eyes and sat up must be the maids again she thought as she yawned and rubbed her eyes before finally opening them. She looked around her room her eyes still not fully adjusted to the bright morning light. that's when she felt two arms wrap around her waist she looked down at the bed and jumped in shock seeing his grace in her bed. Her face went full red and she screamed before kicking him so hard that he fell to the ground with a loud thump.

"Ow!" He groaned as he sat there on the ground rubbing his eyes before looking up at the bed at Amora who was sitting there with a terrified expression on her face. "What are you doing in my room?!" Asked Amora in confusion she never expected the Duke to be the type of man who breaks into a woman's house and sneak into her bed what type of creep was this duke!?. She thought with a look of disgust on her face.

His grace rubbed the top of his head that was hurting from the fall. "This is my room!" He shouted slightly at her. "Your room?" said Amora before she looked around and surely enough it wasn't her room in fact it was way to big and fancy to be her room. Amora looked at his grace embarrassed. "I- how did I get here?" She asked confused, "You don't remember?" He asked. Amora looked into his eyes and it was like everything came back, that night she fell and was sure she'd hit the ground but there were no bruises on her body and she had no broken bones.

"I fell- I tried to grab your hand but I slipped and fell, how am I ok? how am I still alive?!" She asked his grace.

"I caught you by using a levitation spell that stopped us from hitting to the ground, but then you passed out so I brought you here, I tried to leave you to rest in my bed but you wouldn't let go of me" he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I blushed an embarrassment as I suddenly remembered my actions.

"do you remember anything else?" His grace asked in a desperate tone. He feared that she may have forgotten the conversation before she fell and what she agreed to. if that is the case then he'd have to let her go he can't marry someone who doesn't wish to marry him.

"I agreed to marry you" she said which shocked Raul. " did, but if that is something you don't want anymore then with a heavy heart I'll send you back h-" he said but was cut off mid sentence "No!" Said Amora, Raul looked at her a little startled by her sudden outburst. The first time she turned him down she was left with a lot of what ifs and She didn't want to make that same mistake again.

Amora realized she may have been a bit too loud and cleared her throat as she calmed herself before speaking to Raul again. "I mean no I don't wish to go back, if the offer still stands I'd like to give you my hand in marriage" she said his grace smiled which surprised Amora she didn't think he ever smiled. Raul then stood up from the floor and that's when she realized he was in a pair of silky black pajamas and a silky black robe with nothing underneath. The robe was open showing his graces toned and very muscular body. Amoras eyes lingered there for a while unaware that his grace was speaking to her.

"Amora ?" He said finally snapping her out of her daze. Amora blushed a bright red color that spread across her pale skin. As she looked away from his Graces gaze and cleared her throat. "I-I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Asked Amora. "Do you remember when I'd said you won't have to worry about being a good wife or Duchess?" He asked kneeling in front of Amora and taking her hand in his.

She looked into his light blue as he spoke. "All you have to do is sit back and relax and I'll take care of you, if you want the stars all you have to do is reach and I'll gift them to you" he said looking at her with a sort of soft expression. Amora remembered him saying something similar when she was on that ledge and about to jump, those were the words that made her reach out and try to take the hand he offered

but did he really mean them?. Did he really want her as his wife and duchess, when there are so many out there more suitable for the title. Just then the doors to the bedroom swung open and the two maids I met the last time I was here and the butler I remember seeing accompanying his grace to my home came walking in. They saw his grace on his knees in front of me with my hand in his and all immediately started clearing their throats and blushing.

"Oh my, your grace we apologize for interrupting" said  Miss Zee. "Yes we didn't know you two were.." said Lady Trish, Amoras eyes went wide with realization and she immediately snatched her hand away from his graces and stood up moving far away from his grace. Before waving her hands frantically.

"Oh no no no, it's-we weren't..." she said trying to find the right words but couldn't. both Miss Zee and Lady Trish and the butler chuckled at how flushed and red she was even the Duke found himself smiling softly at her.

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