Chapter 21

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||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

Rya was walking around the palace when she noticed a familiar face laid up in one of the beds in the infirmary room

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Rya was walking around the palace when she noticed a familiar face laid up in one of the beds in the infirmary room. "Fredrick?!" She said shocked, sir Frederick looked up to see Rya walking into the infirmary with a worried look on her face as she rushed over to his bed side. "Little Romiro!" He said as she looked at him "what happened? Who did this to you?" She asked seeing the bandages on sir Fredericks body. "Oh this, it's nothing your big bro just gave me a beat down during our morning training session" he said nonchalantly. Rya frowned "I'm going to give him a beat down" said Rya as she cracked her knuckles. Sir Frederick couldn't help but laugh seeing her angry look that made her look more like an adorable squirrel trying to look mad.

"What's so funny I'm being serious" said Rya embarrassed Sir Fredericks laughed died down and he sighed. "I know you are little Romiro, I promise I'm fine though, the doc healed me up I'm just a little sore which will go away after a few days of rest" he  said with a thumbs up. "I know but still" said Rya "don't blame the commander this injury is my fault as a knight I shouldn't be to weak to doge an attack like that, if I had been fighting against a real enemy that would've killed me, I have to get stronger, I can't allow this to happen again" he said with a look of determination. Rya found herself flushed by his sudden confidence and determination. She cleared her throat "For what it's worth I think you're already strong" said Rya, Sir Frederick smiled. "Thank you little Romiro" he said softly, Rya smiled.

                                With Amora

We made our way towards the library where Leonard was to start teaching me about history. As we were walking Leonard suddenly spoke, "thank you" he said I looked at him confused "hm? For what?" I asked "His grace use to smile all the time but only around the people he cared for most, then Master Enzo died his graces father and the late Duke then smiling became something rare he hardly ever did.

The Duke was just 14 when his father died he had to grow up fast in order to take care of the Madam who was barely holding it together after the death of her husband and his little sister the young Misses who was even younger then his grace at the time" said Leonard before taking a breath and continuing as I listened.

"It didn't help that the Imperial family were lurking around every corner, the late duke was keeping them away from the young master but when he died they saw an opportunity that's how his grace ended up on the imperial guard as it's commander, they threatened to give his title to a stranger as he was much to young to succeed it thus leaving his mother and sister at the mercy of the new duke.

But if he agreed to either marry the first princess or join the imperial army then they'd give him the title at the age 16" Leonard explained. I heard that the imperial family were obsessed with the Duke but I didn't know that it was true I had thought it was just a rumor like everything else about the Duke.

The real question was why?, why would a royal family go that far for just a mere Duke. They're the highest ranking in all of the empire and the Duke is only second so why?. I asked myself before deciding to ask Leonard directly.

"Why? Why do all that?" I asked. "Because his grace is special I'm not sure if he told you yet but his grace is what you call a Mana Mage, there's two types of mages there's regular mages who are just called mages then there's Mana mages, regular Mages use objects imbued and empowered by magical crystals made of mana there for giving the wielder the ability to use magic for a limited amount of time. While Mana Mages are born with the mana already inside of they're bodies granting them the ability to use it at will and for however long they please.

'Mana mages are most commonly born in the royal bloodline but for years the imperial family which is the current emperor bloodline could not brith any, making the current imperial family bloodline the weakest which is why they need so many army's.

But there are also rare cases where Mana mages are born into regular families with no history of Mana Mages in they're bloodline. for a while that didn't happen either until His grace was born as a mana mage" he explained. my eyes widened he's the only mana mage?! I thought in my head. "The Duke is the only Mana mage?" I asked, Leonard nodded his head.

"Yes, the first and only to be born in years, Mana mages are also known as divine power wielders, naturally the Emperor was furious, hearing that Duke Enzo was able to brith a child with the divine power and he's tried 10 times and was only given 10 normal children, that's when he came up with the plan to try and marry his oldest daughter to the newly born son of the Duke in hopes that when he's older he'd be able to impregnate the first princess with an Divine power wielder" said Leonard as he continued to go on.

"But the duke refused to let his son be used like that and luckily but unluckily the first ever war struck the kingdom and when the emperor needed the dukes help he was forced to make a deal with him, the deal was that so long as the Duke was protecting his empire on the front lines he could never ask for his sons or any of his children's hand in marriage to the first princess or any of the emperors daughters, backed into a wall the Duke agreed and even signed a contract but when the Duke died 14 years later the contract was dismissed and the imperial family had the opportunity once again to seek his grace, it was said that the emperor refused to crown any of his children the next ruler because they weren't mana mages I think that's why the princess are so obsessed with the Duke, if he were to marry one of them or impregnate one of them and the child is born with divine power then that princess would become the next ruler and her child would become the next one after her, it's the same with the princes who all have children if they were to marry one of their daughters to the Duke then they too could become the next ruler" Leonard explained.

"So it's all for the crown, they all want to use the Duke for his power so that they could become the next emperor or empress" I said Leonard nodded "Yes, and the fact that his grace has extremely good genes doesn't help the situation" said Leonard. "Wait but if His grace is so special then why put him on the battlefield where he could potentially be killed?!" I asked.

"Ah see when the emperor gave him the option to become a soldier or marry the princess he was sure that the thought of becoming a soldier would be enough to scare the 14 year old young master and was counting on that fear to push him towards marrying his daughter but when the young master signed the contract to become a soldier in the imperial army instead of the crowned prince and marry the emperors daughter, he was shocked, since then everything the emperor has done was to spite his grace for the decision he made long ago in front of the entire kingdom. his most recent play a year or 3 ago was sending a noble woman in the form of a spy, having her pretend to fall in love with the Duke then take all of his family's money nearly leaving them bankrupted, the emperor thought that would make him come crawling and begging for money but didn't count on his grace being as smart as he was by having an secret account separate containing the inheritance money left for his grace and the young misses Rya in which he used to get the dukedom back on it's feet and ended up making it even richer then the imperial kingdom itself" Leonard explained to me. So the Grand Dukedom has more money than the imperial kingdom?! That's shocking, I thought to myself.

I found myself letting out a sigh, I felt bad for Raul he spent his entire life under the thumb of the emperor just to protect his family. His life was completely different from mine. Now that I think about it that's probably why he was so unwelcoming to me, it was probably because I was a noble woman and he's been hurt by a noble woman before.

No matter I want to continue making the Duke smile and I'll start by becoming the best duchess I can, that's how I've decided to repay him. I thought, as we finally got to the library and sat down.

Sir Lance stood by the table while Leonard rolled out a white bored. "So for today we're going to go over the history of Mana mages and Regular mages then tomorrow we'll go over the names of all the imperial family members and rank them from important to less important" said Leonard. I nodded with a determined look on my face, if I was going to continue making the Duke smile I had to learn as much as I can to become the best duchess.

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