Chapter 12

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          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

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Night time fell and the celebration began. his grace and Rya greeted many nobles at the entrance some of them occasionally stopped to talk with His Grace and Rya but the only person his grace was interested in seeing and talking to tonight was Amora. He waited desperately at the entrance seeing noble after noble but none of them was her. He started to get worried that maybe she decided to decline this invite after all, but then remembered that, that is impossible Amoras not the type to decline an invitation without sending word of it.

Just as a noble woman stood in front of his grace blushing and talking he saw the sparkling blue dress he gave Amora in the distance and was sure that it was her even though he couldn't see her face. "Your so Handsome your Grace why don't we go inside and I'll give you my first dance" said the noble woman but Raul wasn't listening to a word of it his excitement to see Amora was overriding all else.

His Grace rushed out of the entrance area going to greet Amora half way up the walk way. "Brother?!" Said Rya confused but he continued on until he was finally able to see her face.

"Amora I-" he said but he was shocked to see that it wasn't Amora but her bratty younger Cousin and the rest of her family but no Amora. "Hello your grace" said the young girl curtsying before looking up at Raul. Raul's face twisted in annoyance and anger. "Lovely Villa your g-" she said but his grace spoke over her completely disregarding what she was trying to say. "Why are you wearing her dress" he said his voice growing deeper enhancing the sound of anger. "Oh this? My lovely older cousin gave it to me" said Elise spinning around in it as she showed it off. That mad his grace even more maderbecause he could tell she was lying. "Forgive my niece your grace she wasn't feeling well so she could not come but instead she sent us in her place" said the viscount with a smile. Another lie his grace thought in his head.

Just then Rya came running up. "Raul!, brother!" She called out but Raul's eyes stayed fixed on the viscounts. Rya came over and looped her arm in his graces. "Brother is everything ok people are starting to whisper" she said. "Oh this must be the Dukes most famous little sister" said the viscount Rya looked up at him but felt a sudden shiver down her spine even she got a bad vibe from the viscount. "Who are you?" Asked Rya "Oh yes right, forgive me, I'm Viscount Amos Haku it's a pleasure to meet you" said Amos bowing slightly to Rya. "Haku?!, your lady Amoras family?" Asked Rya unsurely. "Yes I am Lady Rya" said the viscount for some reason Ryas name coming out of the viscounts mouth made his Grace even more angry. "Rya go inside" said his grace. Rya knew something was wrong and that it had something to do with the viscount and his family. She also knew that if she left her brother to deal with them it could be a disaster so she stepped in. "We shall all go in any family of Amoras my savior is a friend of mine, come I'll introduce you to everyone" said Rya as they all walked inside Rya looked back at her brother who still stood outside.

He was beyond angry so she knew he needed some time alone right now. 

Once the double doors to the villa Entrance shut his grace immediately began a teleportation spell. This type of spell took a lot of focus and a lot of magical Mana. It was a big spell that could only be used once by the user but for Raul instead of once he could use it twice. He closed his eyes and silently chanted the words and when he reopened them he was standing in Amoras room at the viscounts house.

He looked at the bed but Amora wasn't there. He suddenly felt a gust of wind and saw Amora standing on the ledge of the window.

"Amora!" He called out Amora turned away her face dripping with tears. "Y-your grace" she said surprised. "Amora what are you doing" he asked after slowly taking one step closer. "I'm sorry your grace" said Amora "For what?" Asked his grace "I can't do this anymore, I try to act strong to pretend that they're words and actions don't hurt me but the truth is they do, I'm tired I just want to rest" said Amora about to jump from the ledge when his grace called out to her again causing her to freeze. "ThenMarry me" he simply said it went silent. Amora didn't understand why was he asking her this again in this moment. "Your grace I-" Amora started to say but was cut off by Raul. "I'm not finish" said his grace with a determined look on his face. "You were right at first I did not really want to marry you in fact my plan was to get engaged to you and find you a better home where you could live peacefully by yourself but after what you said when we talked made me see how pure your intentions were, your not like the other noble woman which is why I say this as truthfully as possible" he said before taking a breath and opening his mouth to speak again.

"I know we haven't known each other for long but I fear that I've fallen for you Amora, you don't have to love me back and if you marry me I promise you don't have to worry about being a good wife or Duchess because I'll do enough of that for the both of us, I'll dedicate myself to you, I'll give you the stars if you reach for them" said Raul with a serious look on his face.

He meant every word. he wanted to be by Amoras side and have her as his wife, he wanted to make her smile. Amora stood there as she looked at his grace so full of shock, it was hard to believe his words. after all good things don't happen to her so how could she believe that they would start now.

"I'll give you a better life then this, with me you can rest, you don't have to say anything just take my hand and I'll take it as an yes" said Raul Smiling warmly at Amora as he held out his hand to her. It was silent for a moment as Amora stood still unsure. She looked down at the ground that was so far from her window if she jumped it would be guaranteed freedom and she could probably meet her parents again and finally see those faces she can't seem to remember or she could take his graces hand and choose the side of uncertainty with a future not guaranteed. She could chose to live, just then there was a voice that whispered in her ear when the wind Blew. "Chose to live Amora you won't regret it" it said, Amoras eyes widened a bit and before she knew it she was reaching out to the dukes hand.

Just inches away from making contact she slipped and fell from the top window.

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