Chapter 11

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    ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

          ||The Duke Is Obsessed With Me!||

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                        With his grace;

"I can't wait for tonight" said Rya as she was being measured for her outfit for her celebration. "Well it is all about you, you should be, I'm proud of you for passing your entrance exam" I said Rya smiled at me as the tailor finished up her measurements and let her go. Rya hoped down and skipped over to me

"So did you invite her?" She asked and I instantly knew who she was talking about but I pretended that I didn't. "Whoever do you mean?" I asked as I continued to look through the book I found on the road a while back when I was arriving in town. "You know who I'm talking about I bet you're just as happy to see her as I am I know you like her now" she said I sighed and closed the book not even bothering to deny it because it was true every since that day when she turned down my proposal I couldn't stop thinking about her.

When she said she didn't wish to marry someone just because of their title I couldn't find a hint of lie in her words and now that I'm thinking about it. unlike others she doesn't wear a mask to hide her true self what you see upfront is who she is, I've started to realize that since we started sending letters back in forth. She was perfect and I wanted her to be mine so I'm not going to stop at nothing until she is. "Yes she will be there" I said Rya screeched excitedly before hugging me. "Thank you, not just for inviting her but for throwing this celebration you really didn't have to" she said Raul smiled softly and he then rubbed Ryas head "of course I did your the Duke little sister you deserve nothing less" I said she smiled before pulling away. "Well I'm going with Leonard today to pick out armor and sword wanna come?" Asked Rya "I have work to finish up, you two go ahead and remember to pick out something light but durable looks don't matter just how well it protects you" I reminded.

Rya rolled her eyes playfully "Yeah yeah I got it stop worrying" she said before leaving. I chuckled and stood up making my way to my study with the book still in my hand.

Your author speaking/:  short chapter this time but This sums it all up lmao 🤣

Your author speaking/:  short chapter this time but This sums it all up lmao 🤣

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