Chapter 2

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"Go...away," I grumbled into my pillow, the words lacking the intended anger since my brain was still in sleep mode.

The hand persisted, shaking my shoulder. I turned to face the other side, hoping to discourage the idiot from waking me up. Their hand felt increasingly aggressive with each passing minute.

"What do you want, for fuck's sake?" I shouted, finally turning around to see Nate standing beside my bed, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"Coach wants to see you," he informed me with his serious captain-like voice.

I rolled my eyes and stared straight ahead. "Can it wait?"

"Now," he stated firmly.

I groaned, reluctantly getting up and sitting straight while scanning the room. My roommate Amir's bedroom door was wide open, revealing his neat and empty bed. He was probably already gone for his classes, the early bird.

Typical Amir. Always makes sure to be an extra hour early for his classes. That's what makes him such a nerd.

I glanced at Nate and noticed he was still standing in the room, eyes glued to his phone.

"Do you know what this is about?" I asked him and his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

"Last Friday game. Ring any bells?" Oh, that.

Shit. Coach is probably still pissed about that. Ever since we left the rink, we haven't had any proper conversation to talk about what happened.

But of course, it's not exactly a conversation if he's mostly the one doing the talking and the yelling and I just had to be there to take it all in while keeping my mouth shut.

God, that dude can be scary sometimes.

I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my things to go take a shower and then get dressed before heading down to coach's office with Nate.

My class doesn't start till noon so knowing coach, he will definitely take these extra hours to give me the lecture of my life about the fight I had started last Friday.

But hopefully, he's not going to bench me during the upcoming games. That would be a major blow, both to my ego and reputation in school.

I'll take any punishment, as long as it's not getting benched.


"Excuse me?" I blurt out in shock, still trying to process the news.

Coach placed his coffee down and raised his brows.

"You heard me loud and clear, boy."

I scoffed. I know I agreed to myself that I would take any punishment but not this! What the fuck is this, man?

"Coach, you can't be serious. I can't tutor people."

"Why not?" He asks, curious.

"It's weird! Me? Tutoring freshmen? No way."

He frowned while plucking out a tissue from its box to wipe his hands with.

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