Chapter 3

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"I am going to drop out of class," I declared to my roommate, Amy while walking into our shared dorm rooms.

She glanced up from the couch, her nail polish brush frozen in mid-air.

"Oh no, did one of your professors upset you again sweetie?" She teased with a pout and I playfully glared at her while dropping down in the armchair across from her.

"No. But the tutor did."

She chuckled and resumed painting her toenails, which were right in front of her face.

"It was a mistake signing up for those tutoring sessions. Either that, or they seriously need to work on picking better students to tutor others. Like, people who can manage their time and don't have an attitude and they're kind to others."

Amy chuckled again, eyes still focused on her toenails.

"Sounds like someone I know." She commented and I stared confusingly at her.

"You're not thinking of me, are you?" She glanced at me and smiled.

"No, babe. Someone in the family."

"Right." I leaned my head back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. "I'm so confused. I don't know how else to deal with that class and the only option I've got is to get tutored! I can learn the basics on my own, but apparently, that's not possible. So I have to rely on some arrogant, inconsiderate people to teach me things that they think I don't know-"

"Kaia!" Amy yelled from the couch, cutting me off mid-sentence. "Breathe, okay? You're spiraling again."

I released a frustrated groan and threw my head back against the couch.

"You know, I was looking forward to that tutoring session today. But that rude blue-eyed asshole just had to ruin everything by being a jerk!"

"Okay, what did he ever do to you? I'm dying to know now." She asked curiously while capping the nail polish and putting it away.

"There was still ten or twenty minutes left of our session and he wanted to cut it short by telling me that he needed to leave for his hockey practice. Can you believe it?"

A grin started spreading across her face as she stared at me.

"Ooh, a hockey player. Was he cute?" I quickly rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, unfortunately. He was very good looking but too bad he's got an attitude."

"You know." Amy started while glancing behind me. "This could be the very own start of an enemies-to-lovers romance. Just like how you've always talked about based on those books you read."

I immediately narrowed my eyes at her while scoffing.

"Don't start."

"Why not?" She prodded excitedly. "You just said he's cute and very rude, and, he plays hockey. Do you know how many hot hockey players we have in this school? Look it up!"

I got up from my chair and started walking towards the kitchen area to get myself a glass of water.

"Yeah well, that fantasy is currently put on hold. I'm already stressing out because of one class that I'm failing, so getting myself a boyfriend is the least of my concerns right now."

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