Chapter 7

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A groan escaped from my lips as I lazily reached out to hit the snooze button on my phone. When the alarm stopped, I snuggled more comfortably into my pillow and blanket, trying to get back to sleep.

But my moment of peacefulness was disrupted again when the alarm went off for the second time.

I forced myself to get up and turned the whole thing off. I pulled off the hair tie around my wrist and gathered my hair up into a messy bun before tying it with the hair tie.

Getting up in the morning was not my thing. I was more of a night owl, who'd rather risk getting late the next day for class, by staying up all night to finish a new Korean drama or a new romance novel I've been reading on my Kindle.

But sometimes, I put in a little effort to be an early bird during those days if anything important was happening.

I flipped aside my blanket and lazily strolled across my bedroom, heading towards the door. The minute I opened it, I immediately regretted waking up at all.

"Jesus, what are still doing here?"

Adrian waved his hand with a smirk on his stupid gorgeous face.

He seemed to be back in high spirits already even after getting shitfaced last night.

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a once-over. He was still wearing the same pants from last night but only this time, the shirt was missing. It now reveals the dark ink he had decorated all over his upper arms.

As if the one he had tattooed behind his left ear wasn't enough.

"Glad you're enjoying the view, at first thing in the morning." He mocked while sipping something from the cup in his hand.

"Please, you're a complete eyesore. There's nothing to enjoy, so don't flatter yourself."

He chuckled. "You're lying through your teeth."

"And you're getting too comfortable by overstaying here. So, can you please go back to where you're supposed to be?"

His face suddenly softened and he placed the cup on the counter behind him and crossed his arms together before looking straight at me.

I kept eye contact steady, trying not to get distracted by his arms flexing in front of me because I'm currently a sucker for hot guys with big arms, broad shoulders, and a great back.

And he....was unfortunately packing all three.

"I've been meaning to ask you a question." He started to say and I raised my brows with curiosity.


He slowly strolled his way towards me and stopped without breaking the intense eye contact. I could feel my face starting to heat up but he wasn't even that close to me.

"I don't remember much from last night and how I ended up here. But since you and I are the only ones talking right now, my question is...."

He paused for dramatic effect and I almost wanted to roll my eyes at him while waiting.

"Did we do anything together last night?"

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