Chapter 17

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Time quickly passed by, and soon we were already packing our stuff again on Monday afternoon to head back to campus the next day. It was indeed a long weekend, but a very good one.

Amy and I were in our room, packing up our suitcases. Her phone's Bluetooth was connected to her small speaker on top of the drawer, playing a nice song from her Spotify playlist.

After placing the last set of clothes inside my suitcase, I looked at her and hesitated to ask her what had been on my mind all day.

I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about it. It was a wild idea, especially since I was considering doing it for someone I don't even like, but this is a matter of pride.

Don't ever say that I never make amends, because this is as far as I would go to prove that asshole wrong.

"Hey, Ames?"

"Hmm?" She replied while meeting my eyes across the bed.

"What's the deal with Adrian and that Callum guy?"

She paused and gave me a long stare.

"Callum is a notorious douchebag that likes to piss people off as a hobby." She finally answered with a bitter tone. "Especially Adrian. They've been at each other's throats since last year. At first, the feud between them only showed during the times they played together, but then Callum did something, and they started causing trouble outside the ice rink too."

I frowned in confusion and continued to pack my stuff in the suitcase without looking away from her.

"What did he do?" Amy shrugged before replying.

"He started talking to the same girls that Adrian also dated. Callum was always a sour loser, so he made it personal by stealing the girls that Adrian wanted. Adrian always picks the girls from other schools; he never dates anyone he goes to the same school with. It's always been that way since high school."

I sat down near the edge of the bed, trying to wrap my head around all the new information she was feeding me.

"Wait, what about Callum? Does he go to Ivywood too?"

Amy chuckled while shaking her head.

"No, he goes to UCLA. He's quite famous too, which makes it easier for him to sabotage every relationship Adrian has ever been in because who could resist a rising star hockey player that goes to UCLA?"

I looked away while contemplating my thoughts. This should be easier since Adrian and I are not together and Callum won't be sabotaging any relationship. Which means none of them would see this coming.

I can't erase the video that was already out there or time travel back to the day where I said those words, but this could be the start of fixing something bad before it even started.

"Adrian's hockey games mean a lot more to him than we know. He would never let anything ruin that for him, and that is why my parents love to pile up their expectations on him." Amy said.

"So, a small rumor like that." She continued while giving me a knowing look. "He could easily tarnish his reputation in any way. But I'm not saying that to take his side now; I'm still pissed at him for what he did to you as well. But I just wanted you to know the reason why he's taking this whole thing seriously and why he's mad about it all the time."

I slowly nodded in understanding before looking down at the bedsheets.

"I'll fix it. I promise I will." I confessed softly.

"How are you planning to do that?"

I looked up and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll tell you about it later," I answered before getting off the bed. "Right now, we gotta finish packing."

She chuckled and turned up the volume on her phone, playing the music in our room.

I laughed and walked out of the room to go to the bathroom. When I stepped out of the doorway, the door on the other side of the hallway suddenly opened, and Adrian walked out.

He paused when he saw me, his eyes immediately narrowing at me, before he reached for the doorknob and closed the door loudly with a hard slam.

He glared at me one last time before walking away, disappearing down the staircase that leads downstairs.

I exhaled a long sigh before closing our bedroom door softly behind me. The sound of Amy's music is fading in the background.

I get that he was still pissed at me, but I'm not doing this for him to like me or anything, so we could all forget about what happened and start over again.


This was for my pride and self-respect, and I will not tolerate anyone telling me that I never own up to my mistakes or have never fixed any mess I have created.

I can't erase that lie and make everyone believe that it wasn't true, but what I can do is try to stop someone he hates from using it against him, which could provoke him into ruining what he loves the most.

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