Chapter 8

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I pushed through the double doors to the library, my eyes immediately scanning the room for any empty spot to take and do some quiet reading for my assignment that would be due tomorrow night.

But, it seems like today was suddenly everyone's favorite day to visit the library because what the hell is this?

Was there a secret society meeting happening here today that I didn't know about?

Every table and lounging chairs were occupied with people sitting and standing around, books or phones in their hands. Headphones and air pods in their ears, laptops and papers littering all over the table.

Everyone looked busy and they sure as hell were busy taking over the entire library.

Releasing an exhausted sigh, I slowly maneuver my way in, hoping to at least find an empty chair or bean bag lying around that I could take and hide somewhere between the aisles in the book section.

It's funny because it seems like they were all running late on turning in an online assignment that was already a few hours late.

It took me ten minutes to finally find a table in the corner where I could sit. I had to wait for the group sitting there to finish with their work first so they could leave, and I was already first in line to fill in the spot the minute they stood up.

I pulled out my laptop and my earpiece from my bag and clicked on the website where the reading assignment was saved. But right before I could plug in my earpiece, someone suddenly occupied the empty chair in front of me causing me to look up.

"How are you everywhere?" I asked irritatedly at him.

Adrian smiled and folded his arms on the table while staring at me.

"News flash, I go here too." He replied cockily and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have students to tutor or something?"

"Why, yes I do." He instantly replied. "We just wrapped up a few minutes ago right over there. Then, I saw you came in and decided to come thank you for letting me crash at your dorm room last night."

I flashed him a tight-lipped smile and pulled my laptop closer to me.

"You're welcome. Now let lost, I have work to do."

He didn't say anything else for about a minute but remained seated in the same spot and I continued to ignore him.

"So, fictional men huh?" He suddenly says and my eyes immediately snap up to meet his. "I heard they've been setting the standards pretty high these days, for girls like you."

"Yes, and sorry, you don't make the cut. Can you please leave me alone now?"

"Okay feisty, relax. Can't I get to know my sister's roommate?" He asked with a smirk and I closed my laptop and glared at him.

"No, you can't. Why? Because you and I have no reason to get to know each other. Your sister may be my roommate but that doesn't mean you and I will also be friends. Got it?"

He feigned a fake hurt expression on his face and slowly leaned away from the table.

"I'm starting to think, your developing this angry attitude has got to something with the types of books you read. It's making you act all crazy and delusional for no reason."

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