Chapter 19

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The party turned out to be at some rich dude's house, which they also go to school with. People were already buzzed by the time we got there, and the crowd was getting boring until they saw Callum's crew walking in.

It turns out Mr. Hotshot was a party animal. That much I could tell based on the reactions from the hundreds of people who greeted him the moment we walked in.

I swear I would've been swallowed by the crowd and got lost on my way in when everyone started crowding around us, if it wasn't for him and his tight grip around my wrist, to not lose me somewhere in between.

That, for me, would've earned him a gentleman point, but we're still on stage two at the moment, and I'm not saying anything too early until I get to know him better.

The fun was starting to pick up again, the music was on, and everyone was acting the way they used to before the party went sucky a few hours ago.

We finally made it to the kitchen, and everyone started helping themselves to the drinks served on the countertop. I braced myself on the side and waited, and Callum suddenly turned around and offered me a blue solo cup.

"Drink?" I quickly shook my head while smiling.

"I'm good, thanks." He raised his brows in amusement.

"What, not a fan of alcohol?"

"Something like that. I'm just trying not to get involved in any drinking more often. It makes me do crazy stuff."

He chuckled while leaning his back against the counter and pouring a glass of alcohol into his cup.

"You're a lightweight, huh?"

It was my turn to chuckle after realizing how stupid I was to give that away so easily.

"Did I make it that obvious?"

He nodded while taking a sip from his cup, eyeing me over the brim with curiosity swimming in his eyes.

He was getting interested quickly. I didn't even have to pull out any rizz or flirting skills to get his attention. All I did was pretend to drop a bowling ball on his feet and bam! Here we are.

At this point, I'm almost convinced that this guy could be interested in anything with a vagina between their legs.

"Cool party," I said, trying to make small talk.

"Yeah, but I've been to many better ones."

Okay, brag much?

"Can I at least get you a coke or anything? I mean, I can't watch you stand empty-handed there. You're making me think that you're not really into all this."

Oh, shit. I didn't think I would be giving out that kind of expression. That's a minus point from my side.

"Yeah, sure." I quickly answered. "A Coke would be fine."

He looked satisfied with my response and turned around to find the drink somewhere around the counter. After he found it, he poured some into my cup and passed it to me.

Meanwhile, I was watching the whole thing with sharp eyes. I was trying to make sure no idiot would slip any sort of white powder or shit inside my drink.

I've watched too many movies to take note of stuff like this happening in real life. So, I came prepared.

I accepted the cup from him, and he placed his hand on the small of my back, nodding in the opposite direction.

"Let's go to someplace quieter where we can talk."

A sliver of panic immediately surged in. But to my relief, he didn't take me to any bedroom or any kind of private space with a door and a lock on it.

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