Chapter 29

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"Right? It slipped right between their goalie, and if it wasn't for the left defenseman, Carlos would've scored that goal already."
I tuned James out, and sipped my beer again. The restaurant and bar we were hanging out in were beginning to get crowded, with more people coming in by the hour.
Honestly, if it weren't for Nate forcing me to hang out with the team straight after the game, I would've been in bed by now, sleeping my exhaustion off.
My head still hurts after that fall on the ice, and I couldn't stop thinking about being back in my dorm room right now rather than being here.
Well, that and Kaia too.
It's fucking nuts that every time I try to stop thinking about her, my brain will always find a way to get something to remind me about her again. 
Thinking about her always finds a way to trigger this whirlpool of emotions brewing up inside me, like a storm ready to cause a disaster.
I thought the beer would help, but it's done nothing but make me drunk instead of trying to make me forget about the things in my head.
I finished my beer and stood up from the booth, catching the attention of the guys sitting around me.
"What's up, man? Are you leaving?" Nate asked, and I lazily tore my gaze off the table to focus on him.
"Yeah, I'm going to head out first. You guys, enjoy the rest of your night."
The words were leaving my mouth without having me to control them. That's when I knew that I was really starting to get drunk this time.
"We're leaving; I'm giving him a ride back to campus." Nate said, and I frowned at him.
He stood up and started shaking the guys' hands and fist bumping the others before throwing his arm over my shoulder and guiding me outside.
"You're really out of it, man. I told you to take it easy because your head is still messed up." Nate said to me as we pushed through the door to step outside.
"Shut up, I didn't even..." The rest of the words immediately died in my mouth when I saw the two people standing outside.
They were also making their way in, by the looks of it, but they also stopped when they saw Nate and I coming out together.
Kaia's eyes immediately focused on mine as soon as we looked at each other. Everything around me suddenly came into focus the minute I saw her, as if I had just regained my sobriety.
Callum scoffed, and it immediately caught my attention. He looked at me with a mocking smile on his face before reaching for Kaia's hand and wrapping his fingers around hers.
The act triggered my annoyance, and I clenched my jaw while looking at him.
"Funny seeing you here, Levont." He started while smirking at me. "I thought you'd be back in your room right now, drowning in tears after that pathetic game tonight." 
My fists clenched automatically by my side as I tried not to be fazed by his words.
"It's a shock to be witnessing that kind of pathetic performance from you, especially when you're so highly praised by others, and yourself mostly, that you're the star player of your team. I guess those were nothing but sweet talk for a little boost to the ego, huh?" 
Red filled my vision, and I stepped towards him, but Nate suddenly held me back.
"Cut the mockery, Morris. It's been a long night, and we're all exhausted. So don't try to start anything that could end badly for all of us." Nate warned.
Callum chuckled, and I glanced towards Kaia by his side and found her looking a bit worried as her eyes moved back and forth between us.
"Am I wrong, though? I mean, you're their captain, so you should know that the game tonight really sucks. It's quite embarrassing that you lost against an amateur team." Callum continued, and I snapped.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
"Whoa, chill out, man." He quickly said while pulling Kaia behind his back. "Do yourself a favor and don't embarrass yourself any further, especially not in front of my girl." 
I scoffed while glaring at him and Kaia.
"Fuck you and her." I burst out while glaring between him and Kaia. "Don't think I don't realize what you were both trying to do by showing up together at tonight's game. Aren't you bored yet?"
I moved up to his face and glared straight at him. 
"Is there no other way for you two to fuck off somewhere else instead of constantly getting on my nerves on purpose?" I yelled angrily before shoving him back.
"Adrian!" Kaia shouted while stepping in between us, and I ignored her while still looking at Callum.
"Stop, okay?" She yelled at me again, and I finally looked at her. "Not everything is about you. So, stop assuming things and get yourself under control."
Wow. The nerve she has to actually speak to me like this. 
The longer I kept looking at her, the more anger surged through every vein in my body. A grip suddenly tightened around my arm, and my attention moved to Nate as he pulled me to the back.
"Let's go, Adrian. It's not worth it." He whispered firmly in my ear, and I let him drag me away.
"Yeah, just go sleep it off and chill out, Adrian." Callum shouted from the back, and I paused. "Go reflect on your pathetic mistakes tonight, and maybe swallow down a few reality pills because your ego desperately needs them. You're nothing but a loser."
That was enough to make me turn around and lunge towards him. I swung towards his face but missed because Nate had quickly grabbed onto my torso and pulled me away from him.
Callum's mocking laughter pierced through the air as Kaia also pushed him away from me. I struggled against Nate's hold, but the man held onto me tight, and because I was still drunk, I just gave up and let him take me away.
"See? Better keep that temper in check, too. You're really proving out here what a sad bitch you can be." He taunted me once again, and I tried to run for him, but Nate held me back.
"Callum, stop." I heard Kaia say while pulling him towards the door.
"Better keep a tight leash around your boyfriend, Lilian." I called out to her, and she turned around and stared at me. "If he keeps running his mouth like that, I won't be responsible for what I might do to him."
Her eyes narrowed towards me, and Nate opened the door to his car and started forcing me to get in.
"Count yourself lucky tonight. That goes to both of you!" I yelled at them one more time before finally getting inside the car.

"Go home, Adrian! You're just wasted." She shouted back.
I glared from inside as I watched her say something to Callum that completely wiped the fucking smugness off his face before she angrily stormed inside the bar. 
Callum looked up and glared back at me before following her inside. I clenched my jaw and leaned my head back against the headrest.
Blood was pumping in my ears and leaking through my veins. I was fuming with anger and irritated with myself for the lack of reaction towards Callum provoking me because of the alcohol that had taken over my system a while ago.
I swear to God, I will beat the fuck out of that guy if we happen to meet again. There won't be anyone stopping me next time. I don't care how much trouble it will cost me; once I'm through with Callum fucking Morris, then it'll be over.
And not even his pathetic little girlfriend, Kaia Lilian, will have a say in any of it to stop it from happening.

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