Chapter: 43 (Planning)

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Author Pov:

Yn let out a tired sigh as she lay on her bed, feeling exhausted from everything. Her body was sore and she curled up into a ball for comfort. Despite the numerous notifications on her phone, she managed to remain composed.

Suddenly, a warm hand touched her feet, gently massaging her ankles and placing them on someone's lap. She smiled at Eunwoo and In-Yeop, who were sitting there with massage oil.

She hadn't told anyone about the fight she had with them, and she felt a sense of relief as Eunwoo massaged her head, soothing her pain.

Eunwoo: Relax, princess!

The word "princess" reminded her of Jin, who used to affectionately call her by that nickname. It sounded beautiful coming from him, but she quickly shook off the memory, not wanting to dwell on it.

Yn: Oppa, when we love someone, do we take them away from the people in their past?

In-Yeop sighed as he massaged her arms and pulled the comforter up to her belly. She looked at him with curiosity, wanting to hear his opinion on the question she had asked.

In-Yeop: Princess, when we deeply love someone, we try to protect them from any harm, even if it means keeping them away from their past.

Nodding her head, she pondered her brother's heartfelt response. A sense of guilt washed over her as she realized that she was the one who had caused the fight.

She let out another sigh as her brother hugged her. With a smile, she opened her phone and saw their messages and missed calls.

Yn: Take care...

She silently whispered the words before ending her phone call and lying down next to Eunwoo. The brothers embraced her, showing their protective nature, and Yn released a sigh of relief.

She acknowledged that she had overreacted and made a mistake, but their actions were also not right. They had threatened Kevin to stay away from her, and that was what bothered her. They shouldn't be that possessive..

Taehyung smashed the phone on the floor, shattering it into tiny pieces. His mind was angry at himself for hurying up and doing mistakes. From the time, he has entered the mansion he was thinking about her..

In anger, Jungkook has told the guards to drag their family away from the house. They were angry at themselves for loosing their calm and pouring their anger on her.

Namjoon: Taehyung! Calm down..

Taehyung takes a deep breath as he felt difficult to breathe where she wasn't near him. Jin's knuckles were bruised until blood was oozing out and Yoongi was the one to stop him from torturing himself.

They have gone crazy without her presence near them which was like a drug they badly crave.

Hosoek's phone rang gaining the attention of seven boys. Jimin hurriedly connects the call to speaker and his heart beat faster wanting to listen about her..

Eunwoo: She's fine, is everything okay?

Eunwoo's worried tone could be heard as they left a relaxing sigh. The sweat beads on their forehead now at ease listening about her. They felt alive again listening about her sleeping peacefully..

Yoongi: Everything's okay, just take care of her!

In-Yeop's approval could be heard as he wasn't in the mood to talk to his brother-in-law who have his sister in some sort of way..

They disconnected the call, laying on their separate beds and eyeing her large phone frame in front of their beds. They have her several photos which they have taken secretly and they felt comfort in it..

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