Chapter 47

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Morning arrived, and Becky and I had breakfast together. Richie left shortly after explaining to Becky that I would be staying for the time being. Becky couldn't object much since this was her brother's house.

"I'm going to the vineyard. If you can, just bring me my lunch there," Becky announced as she stood up and left the dining area.

"What about you, Miss Freen? Are you going to eat at the ranch?" the head maid inquired.

"Yeah, but don't bring lunch. William and I will cook for ourselves. Thank you," I replied before leaving as well.

Back in my room, I heard Becky talking on the phone in her room with the door open.

"I told you, I won't. Then what about my vineyard? My business is doing great; everything is fine. Seriously." Becky turned to my direction and slammed the door when she saw me.

Deciding to focus on my own tasks, I went about my activities for the day. We planned to visit the resort and explore the old greenhouse.

"Miss Freen! You came early," Lego greeted me, handing me the reins for Stormrider. "Are you going to watch us later? Miss Becky will join. This is the first time she will harvest with us."

"I don't know. I need to go with William later," I said. "He said we're going to the resort. I want to see it first."

"That's sad, Miss Freen. Can't you go there another day? This will be the first time Miss Becky will join, and I don't know when this will happen again. Please, join us too," Lego pleaded, pouting his lips.

"Let her do what she wants," William intervened, playfully hitting Lego's shoulder. Lego glared at him. "Freen has a schedule to follow. Go away."

"Fine." Lego pouted even more and left.

I chuckled at William and asked about my schedule for the day.

"For today, we're going to the resort, and I will give you a tour. Also, I'll show you the old greenhouse. You like plants, right?" William inquired.

"I like plants?" I chuckled and pointed at myself. "Since when did I tell you that?"

"Miss Becky mentioned that you like plants, so I should show you the greenhouse. She used to enjoy going there too. But now, she has a job to do, so it would just be the two of us there." William explained.

I nodded slowly and joined him to go back to the stables to fetch Stormrider and Saro. However, Saro wasn't there, and there was a new horse, prompting confusion. William explained that Saro was in the other stables now, and the new horse was named Freed.

"Are there any animals here not named after me, aside from Stormrider?" I rolled my eyes and touched Freed's neck. He was easy to tame and seemed friendly.

"Oh, right. Before, we had a cow named FS and a goat named Chankie. They are all gone now." William cheerfully informed me.

"You think that's funny?" I asked him.

"Why? If you want to blame someone, blame Miss Becky. She's the one who named them years ago." He put the reins on Freed and motioned for me to bring Freed outside. "You know what, I was wondering. Are you and Miss Becky friends? You two don't seem close."

"It's a long story. You don't need to know," I said as we walked outside.

When I climbed on Freed, I saw Becky from afar, riding Saro and scanning the field. When our eyes met, she didn't avert her gaze. She only looked at me while riding her horse effortlessly.

"And your eye contact with her seems suspicious." William cleared his throat. "Are you in love with her?"

"Why do you care?" I asked and pulled Freed's reins, and he ran. I could hear William shouting my name and telling me to wait for him, but I didn't listen. I wanted to catch up with Becky. I wanted to see what she was doing and why she didn't avert her gaze a while ago.

When I reached the vineyard, I saw her checking the grapes now. Her workers weren't there, so I decided to get down and join her. I knew this was a bad idea, but perhaps she was in a good mood today.

"Hi," I greeted her.

"Hello." She answered without looking at me.

The morning sun painted the vineyard in warm hues, casting a golden glow on the plump clusters of grapes that hung from the vines like nature's jewels. I stood at the edge, my gaze fixed on the bounty before me, lost in the rhythm of the swaying leaves and the sweet aroma of ripening fruit.

Becky approached, her arms crossed and a hint of frustration etched across her face, tension lingering between us.

"Freen," she said, her tone laced with impatience, "I don't know why you're being like this, but just pick one and taste it. It's not that complicated."

I hesitated, my eyes still fixed on the grapes. The unspoken words between us weighed heavily on the air. But there was something in Becky's insistence that drew me, prompting me to reach for a bunch of deep purple grapes. The coolness of the fruit against my fingers was a brief reprieve.

I took a grape, inspecting it for a moment before glancing at Becky, who stood a few steps away with folded arms, her gaze fixed on me. With a deep breath, I popped the grape into my mouth. The skin burst with a satisfying pop, releasing a burst of sweetness that instantly danced on my taste buds. It was a symphony of flavors—juicy and succulent, with the perfect balance of sweetness and a subtle tartness.

Becky raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed but with a hint of satisfaction. For a moment, the tension between us melted away.

The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. I chewed thoughtfully, the flavors lingering on my palate.

Silence enveloped us, broken only by the distant hum of nature. I met Becky's gaze, and in that moment, a hint of understanding passed between us.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Miss Becky!" I heard Lego from afar, causing me to turn my back and go back to Freed. My heart was pounding, and I didn't understand what happened during that brief moment. It was like magic for me.

After climbing on Freed, I glanced at Becky again. She was talking to Lego, and Lego's eyes were glistening. Becky patted his head, and he nodded. Lego walked away, making Becky look at me once again.

"Are you going to join me for dinner?" I asked.

"I'm still mad at you, in case you forgot." Becky sighed and nodded. "But yes, I will."

I chuckled and nodded. "Okay. Noted."

I pulled Freed's reins and went back where I left William with a smile etched on my face.

Secretly Yours || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now