Chapter 63

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Time flew by swiftly, and Freen and I found ourselves deprived of the vacation we so desperately needed, thanks to the endless stream of tasks sent by the chairman. It felt as though he was punishing her for some unknown reason. Freen mentioned that the chairman hadn't burdened her with so much work before, simply because she's a CEO and not his secretary. So, we made the decision to return to the city, allowing her to focus on her work while I resumed my duties with Milk.

"So, how was your getaway with that CEO?" Milk inquired, resting her chin in her hand as we both stood behind the counter. The absence of customers was quite unusual.

"Fine, except she insisted on working throughout our supposed vacation," I replied with an eye roll, opting to check the inventory.

Milk followed suit, assisting me in restocking the shelves with wine. It was then that I noticed a ring adorning her finger. Its simple yet captivating elegance caught my attention—a solitary diamond shimmering on a slender band of gold.

"Who gave you that?" I pointed to the ring, intrigued.

Milk furrowed her brows, examining her finger. "Ah, this old thing. I bought it myself, so customers wouldn't pester me about my relationship status. It has that engagement ring vibe, doesn't it?" she chuckled, catching me off guard.

"When did you start chuckling like that?" I quizzed, bemused.

"Silly," she retorted, continuing to arrange the wines.

"Anyway, can I ask a favor?" I sighed, changing the subject.

"What now?" Milk's tone grew colder, her arms crossed. "If it's about the ring, forget it. I'm not giving it away or selling it to you."

"It's not about that," I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "Can you help me pick out a ring for Freen?"

Milk glanced at me, arms still crossed. "Are you planning to propose when she's not even your girlfriend yet?"

"She is now," I beamed. "So, will you help?"

Milk averted her gaze, sighing in reluctance. Though she didn't seem thrilled about it, I knew her input would be valuable. "Fine. When?"

"If you're free today, we should go now before the store closes," I suggested eagerly.

Milk hesitated for a moment before agreeing. "Alright, let's go."


We arrived at the jewelry store, greeted by an array of dazzling rings. Noticing Milk's absence of a similar ring, I turned to her to inquire.

"They don't make the same design anymore. It's quite pricey. Are you sure you want to buy now? You could save up," Milk advised, concern in her voice.

"No, I want to marry her as soon as possible," I grinned, scanning the selection.

The saleslady presented numerous options, but Milk rejected them all. "Actually, we're looking for an engagement ring," she clarified.

"For both of you?" the saleslady asked, prompting me to intervene.

"No, she's just a friend. I'm the one looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. Could you show me some?" I requested.

The saleslady complied, displaying various designs, but none seemed right for Freen. Then, Milk pointed to one. "How about this one?"

"It's perfect," I smiled, certain Freen would adore it. "We'll take this."

After confirming Freen's ring size, I made the purchase, eager to surprise her. I texted her to come over for dinner, promising a special gift.

"You seem thrilled," Milk remarked as we headed back to the condo.

"I can't believe I'm finally going to propose to Freen. I'm not rushing her, though, especially after what happened with her previous almost-wedding," I chuckled.

Milk nodded, listening to my ramblings despite her lack of interest. Upon reaching my unit, I received a message from Freen, stating she couldn't make it due to work. Determined to see her, I decided to visit her instead, with food in tow. Milk offered to accompany me, and I accepted her gesture, grateful for the company in the darkening evening.

"I'll wait here. Let me know if you're heading home with Freen," Milk said as we arrived at Freen's workplace.

The office was deserted, a stark contrast to the bustling mornings. Entering with the box in hand, I was eager to surprise Freen. However, my excitement turned to shock upon seeing her with Love. Freen's hand lingered near Love's lips, and my heart sank.

Was this the work she had been referring to? Was she working so closely with Love? Questions flooded my mind as tears welled up, and I dropped the box.

"Becky, wait!" Freen called out, but I couldn't bear to face her.

"What's going on? Is she the reason you cut our vacation short?" I demanded, my voice trembling with hurt.

Freen sighed, running her hand through her hair in frustration. "Please, just listen to me."

"Save it," I snapped, turning away and finding Milk waiting for me.

"Becky!" Freen reached for me, but Milk intervened, pulling me gently away.

"Stop fooling people, Ms. CEO," Milk declared firmly, guiding me back to the condo.

Secretly Yours || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now