Chapter 3 - Freya: What Do You Think of Me?

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Chapter 3 - Freya: What Do You Think of Me?

"Projection begins—"


Observing the goblin running toward him with a wooden stick, Ethan smiled and then initiated the 'projection.'

With the consumption of magic energy, coupled with the recent successful experience, soon, a long sword took shape in Ethan's hands, materializing out of nowhere.

If anyone else were to witness this, they would undoubtedly be very shocked.

Confronting the goblin's attack, Ethan, armed with half a month of combat experience, easily evaded the first goblin's strike by sidestepping, causing the wooden stick to hit the ground.

The other goblin, witnessing its companion's failure, continued to assault Ethan.


A sword pierced directly through the goblin's neck, blood splattering and staining the surrounding ground.


Immediately after, the previously ferocious green-skinned creature transformed into a mass of black smoke, disappearing without a trace.

Only the magic stone left on the ground indicated that a goblin had once existed there.


The second goblin did not cease its attack due to its companion's death.

Technically speaking, they were just newly born monsters, and they could only be considered as belonging to the 'same faction.'

This strike hit directly on Ethan's arm.

Feeling a bit of pain, Ethan's expression remained unchanged.

After enduring this goblin's blow, he retaliated with a sword thrust into the goblin's chest, piercing its body.


Similar to the previous goblin, the entire creature transformed into a mass of black ash and disappeared.


Breathing a sigh of relief, Ethan picked up the magic stone from the ground.

On one side of his arm, slightly red from the goblin's blow, but this minor scratch was not worth paying attention to and would soon heal.

It's worth noting that half a month ago, when Ethan entered the dungeon for the first time, that was truly a 'miserable' experience.

Nearly beaten half to death by a monster, if it weren't for his extraordinary physique, he might have fallen in battle prematurely.

However, relying on Ethan's continuously regenerating physique, he stubbornly wore down the monster.

Over the next half-month, Ethan gradually explored the dungeon, getting stronger through his struggles, leading up to today.

Before crossing over, Ethan was just an ordinary person who couldn't fight in a battle, at most having been in a few scuffles.


Holding the magic stone and feeling the strands of magic energy merging into his body, Ethan experienced a moment of pleasure.

This sensation was peculiar, with an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

If Ethan didn't know it was the magic stone, he would have suspected it to be 'ice' because the feeling was so strange.

However, this 'pleasure' lasted only a few seconds.

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