Chapter 91: Changing the Topic, Not Entirely Successful!

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Chapter 91: Changing the Topic, Not Entirely Successful!

"Did I win a jackpot?"

An expression of 'surprise' and 'joy' suddenly flashed across Ethan's face.

This made Freya a little angry.

'Oh, you were just cursing me and sacrificing 10,000 years of my lifespan, and now you look so happy in front of me. You're a real piece of work.'

"What are you laughing at?"

Just as Ethan was rejoicing, Freya's voice, clearly laced with anger, rang out leisurely.

At this moment, Ethan felt like he had just downed a bottle of ice-cold Sprite on a scorching summer day.

A chill ran from his forehead straight down to the soles of his feet.

"Uh, Freya-sama, I..."

"First you wanted to sacrifice 10,000 years of my lifespan, and now you're snickering in front of me. It seems I've been too good to you, Ethan!"

"Uh, listen to my explanation, Freya-sama, there's a reason for all this."

"Oh? What reason? Tell me~~"

Looking at Ethan, Freya stared at him intently.

She wanted to hear what kind of explanation the boy could come up with.

If he couldn't appease her anger, she would definitely teach him a lesson and make him understand why he should respect her.

"It's like this, I laughed because when I saw you, Freya-sama, it reminded me of something."

"What is it?"

"Today in the dungeon, I..."

Ethan then recounted the events of being attacked in the dungeon earlier that day.

He even mentioned a series of related things like the 'artificial underground labyrinth', 'Ikelos Familia', 'Evilus', and 'Ishtar'.

"Descendants of Daedalus? A man-made dungeon?"

Freya was surprised by each of these revelations.

Especially the artificial underground labyrinth, a massive project that had been going on for a thousand years right under the noses of the gods, and the gods knew nothing about it.

That was the most terrifying part.

As for Ishtar colluding with Evilus, Freya had suspected such a thing for a long time and didn't need Ethan to tell her.

"What do you want to do?"

"Occupy the 'Man Made Dungeon Knossos', and then our Freya Familia will have the most secret base in Orario."

"You really dare to think so, but according to what you said, after a thousand years of construction, the 'Knossos' has reached the middle floors of the dungeon, and there are a large number of remnant members of Evilus inside. Do you think it's easy to occupy it?"

"Others may not be able to, but our Freya Familia is different, especially now that we have a trump card, Haruhime."


Freya's eyes flickered slightly at the mention of Haruhime.

The silver-haired goddess naturally cared a lot about this talented Renard with such powerful magic.

Currently, Ottar had reached the limit of Level 7.

If he could break through the barrier of Level 7 and upgrade to Level 8 in the future, wouldn't it mean that their Freya Familia possess Level 9 combat power with the help of Haruhime's magic?

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