Chapter 57 - Ishtar and Apollo's Collaboration!

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Chapter 57 - Ishtar and Apollo's Collaboration!

"It's you!"

After seeing the true face of the person who had come, Apollo was a bit confused.

He didn't understand why the other party had come to find him at this time, since he and she had no intersection or conflict.

"It's me, Apollo. Look at yourself now; are you still the glorious 'Sun God'?"

"Shut up!"

"Apollo, calm down, I'm here to help you."

Faced with Apollo, who was furious and barking wildly, the other party did not get angry but instead revealed a meaningful smile.

"Help me? How can you help me?"

"That bitch Freya, she's always putting on airs. She has no idea how many people can't stand her. In this regard, we're in the same camp," She said, looking at Apollo.

However, although Apollo was furious now, he did not lose his mind, and his gaze towards the other party was full of mockery.

"Humph, you're the one who can't stand her the most, Ishtar," He said, looking at the other party with a disdainful expression.

The conflict between Ishtar and Freya was no secret in heaven.

After descending to the lower world, it became even more intense.

Both of them were 'Goddesses of Beauty', but one was pursued by all the male gods, while the other could only look up.

This made Ishtar very unwilling and jealous of Freya.

Why are you so high and mighty when we are both Goddesses of Beauty?

Why can only I fall to this level?

After descending to the lower world, Freya Familia became stronger and stronger.

And now, it has become the strongest Familia in Orario, one of the two kings.

And although hers is also a first-class Familia, the strongest member in her Familia is only an ugly level 5 adventurer.

Angry! Jealous! Unwilling!

Such negative emotions made Ishtar always want to pull Freya down from the altar and completely trample her into the mud, letting her experience the feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

And she had been working hard all along for this purpose, but there had been no results so far.

But just a while ago, she accidentally discovered a 'good product' that gave her hope.

As long as she could make good use of this 'trump card', she would be able to pull Freya down.

However, relying solely on members of her Familia was still a bit lacking, so Ishtar needed some allies.

To this end, she did not hesitate to collude with Evilus, secretly sending a large amount of funds to the other party, in order to plunge the entire Orario into chaos in the future, so that she could take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Freya Familia.

However, the incident with Apollo here today gave her a flash of inspiration.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Apollo, who was so humiliated by a child from Freya Familia, must have already hated Freya to the bone.

Isn't he the most perfect 'cannon fodder'?

"Apollo, what happened today will soon spread throughout Orario, and even the world. The dignified Sun God, the God of Light, was so humiliated by a member of Freya Familia. Such news will definitely be spread for thousands of years."

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