i unknowingly meet my greatest enemy

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After meeting with Chiron in the Big House and setting up in cabin 8, I set out to the archery range. I wanted to get some practice in before I began teaching my lessons the next day. 

"Hey are you lost?" A voice rang from behind me. 

I turned to see a young boy with dark curls and a jagged scar running down his face. He carried himself with an annoying air of superiority, I knew at once he that was a counselor. 

"No, are you?" I responded, turning back to my target. 

Boys! I thought. 

He let out a sort of laugh, "Uh, yeah sorry, there's no archery on the schedule for today. Who's cabin are you in? I'm gonna have to write you up." 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a camper. I'm an.... instructor; just for the Summer." 

He looked me up and down, trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. 

"I didn't hear anything about guest intructors." He folded his arms across his chest, "But you seem trustworthy, so... I'll leave you to it." He began to walk away. 

"Do you shoot?" I asked, stopping him in his tracks. 

"I'm better with a sword." He answered. 

"Hmm. I guess I'll see when we play capture the flag, huh?" I teased. 

He smiled at me, and left me to my shooting.

I spent the rest of my afternoon shooting, when I was satisifed with my familiarity with the range and camp provided bow, I headed back to camp. The Sun placement told me dinner would be served soon. 

Of all the things I had missed the least about camp, the food was number one on the list. Not that it was bad, but the assigned seats and sacrifices to our parents rubbed me the wrong way. 

When I was at camp, I was an outcast in my own cabin, so meals were a lonely nightmare. I had also spent ten years unclaimed, so I never knew who to make my sacrifices to. Now I knew who my mother was, but was unsure if she would see my offering as disrespect. We weren't exactly on the best terms at the present moment. I opted to give my strawberries to Artemis, knowing personally that she loved them. 

"At the risk of repeating myself, are you lost?" The same boy from before approached me at the cabin 8 table. 

I looked up at him, confused. 

"Uh, Artemis is sort of a maiden for life, so no kids. You can come sit with us at the Hermes table. God of travelers, and well you're a traveler, sorta." 

I smiled, "Um, no that's okay. I'm sort of a "maiden for life", too. I'm a huntress, so." 

His faced reddened, "Oh, well. That's sorted, then." 

He began to walk away. 

"Hey, wait!" I called to him. 

He turned. 

"What's your name?" I asked. 


"I'm Gabrielle." 

If only I had known that the feeling in my stomach was butterflies and not just nerves about teaching the next day. 

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