i put in my two weeks notice

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Luke walked me back to my cabin. I felt better having told him about my prophecy, it was nice to be able to talk about it with someone. It wasn't like I could discuss how much I didn't like being a hunter with the other hunters. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Luke asked as we reached the front doors of my cabin. 

"Yeah, at breakfast." I confirmed. 

I quietly walked through the cabin to my bed, not wanting to wake my sisters. 

"Someone's been out late." Abby said, sitting on my bed with her arms crossed. 

"I had a rough day, lay off me please." 

Abby had been acting weird to me the past few days. We had been best friends since 1983 when she joined the hunt. She had a rough start because she was a mortal, the other hunters discluded her and talked about her behind her back. I knew what that was like, so I stuck my neck out for her. I defended her, was her partner when nobody else wanted to be, and always offered my shoulder when she needed to cry. 

Suddenly she was acting all high and mighty, like she had forgotten just how much I had done for her. 

"Seems like it." She didn't get up from my bed. 

"What's you problem? Do we need to go outside?" There was a lot of drama within the hunt, as we were all a bunch of teenage girls. We had a rule, two minute spar, first to give up or be disarmed had to apologize for whatever the other wanted an apology for. If it ended in a tie, the matter was dropped. If it was brought up again, Artemis herself would have to get involved. 

"No." Abby looked down at her feet. I was better with a sword than her due to my training at camp. I don't think she had ever even held one in her life. 

"Then get off my bed. Don't forget I'm third in command, first at camp, you'd be smart not to cross me." 

That made Abby mad, she shot up from the bed, "I changed my mind. I want to go outside." 

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my sword from under my bed. 

We walked in silence to the armory to get Abby a sword, she didn't even have one. I knew I'd win, but I wasn't happy about it. I really did love Abby, and I knew that after tonight we could never be friends again. 

Once she had gotten a sword she was comfortable with, we set up to fight. 

"Two minutes, no shots above the chest." I set the rules. Technically this was a battle, and if one of us got a fatal wound, that would be too bad for us. 

"I called the fight, I make the first move." Abby spat. 

"Yeah knock yourself out." 

Abby slashed at my left arm, the one not holding my sword. This gave me the chance to sidestep and jab her in her side. 

She huffed, taking a step towards me and going for my abdomen. I took a step back to avoid it. Abby always stepped before she took a swing at me, so it was easy to dodge each shot she took. 

I sliced at her right arm, the one holding the sword. 

She grabbed her arm, crying out. The fight was still going, since she still had her sword in hand, but I took a step back to let her get her barings. 

She looked up from her arm with a look in her eyes I had never quite seen before. She yelled a sort of battle cry and went straight for my chest. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it back. 

"Abby! Nothing above the chest!" I scolded her. 

"I don't care!" She yelled back. 

I didn't know what to do, she wasn't holding back and I was getting nervous for my life; I had never seen her this mad. I sliced at her fingers holding the sword, she still held on. Finally I bit down on her wrist and she let go of the sword. 

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