moving out

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Luke and I stayed in each other's arms until the Sun came up. We both knew that we would need to leave and head back to camp, and I wasn't looking forward to it. 

I wasn't sure what cabin to go to. Obviously I was not going to be staying in cabin eight, but I wasn't sure if I belonged in cabin ten, either. I decided to go and see Chiron, he'd sort it out for me. 

"Ah, miss Bloom. I was wondering when I'd be seeing you." Chrion spoke as I entered the Big House. 

I smiled sheepishly, "I'm not sure where to go, or what to do." 

Chiron put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He turned to a shelf on the wall behind him, removing a box labeled "Gabrielle- Cabin 10". 

"When you came here all those years ago to pack your things and leave with the hunters, I saved these. I thought you might want them one day, I never imagined we'd be in this situation. However, I'm glad you are back." He handed me the box, smiling down at me. 

The box contained the belongings I had left behind when I joined the hunt. After I took the oath, I returned to camp to collect my things, but I didn't think I'd ever want my beaded necklace or the orange shirt I wore every day for ten years. I was glad Chiron had saved them. 

I secured the beaded necklace around my neck and left the Big House. Luke was waiting for me outside. 

"How'd it go?" He took the box from my hands to carry it for me. 

"Good, I'm back to being a regular old camper." I showed him my necklace.

"Ten beads?" 

I nodded, tucking it into my shirt. 


I stopped outside of cabin ten, too nervous to go in. I hadn't been claimed recently, and I think swearing off all men forever kinda canceled that out, anyway. 

I made eye contact with one of the girls and she sent me a smile. That calmed my nerves, but still not enough to go inside. 

"What's wrong, you're a daughter of Aphrodite, you belong in that cabin." Luke tried to encourage me. 

"I'm just scared. I'm not exactly sure if being claimed has an expiration date." I explained. 

"Well anyone can see you belong in this cabin just by looking at you." Luke said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

I rolled my eyes, it was stupid and cliche, but it was enough to motivate me to walk up the front steps and enter the cabin. 

The same girl from outside was quick to take my hand and pull me to an empty bed. 

"I was waiting for you to finally come and join us!" She yelled, sitting down on the bed. 

"Uh, yeah." I laughed. 

"Oh come on, it was so obvious from the second I saw you that you were my sister! I mean anyone with hair that beautiful should NOT be wasting their lives away in the hunt." 

I bit my tounge, not wanting to make an enemy out of the first friend I made. 

"Sorry, I'm Selena. I already know you're Gabrielle." She introduced herself. 

Selena left me to make my bed my own, showing me where they kept the extra sheets. I was given a bed and a small table with a mirror. We shared a closet, which took up nearly half the cabin. 

I brushed through my hair, and started to work it into a braid. I stopped myself. I had worn my hair in a single braid down my back for the past four hundred years. It was time for a change. 


I walked to dinner with Selena and a few of my sisters she had introduced me to. I wasn't as scared as I thought I'd be knowing I would be seeing the hunters. I felt like I was where I belonged, and nobody could take that away from me. 

I even gave some of my dinner to my mother, sending her a thanks for guiding me to where I was. Talk about personal growth. 

"Almost didn't recognize you." Luke sat beside me as dinner wound down. 

"Yeah, I was sick of the braid." 

"No, you just seem more confident. I don't know how to explain it, you're just.... beautiful." He took my hand in his. 

I smiled and rolled my eyes, holding his hand and enjoying the moment. 

I only wish I had savored it a little longer, because all Hell was about to break lose. 

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