my grandfather reaches out

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My first night sleeping in cabin ten started out great. I met all my new sisters and brothers and told them my story. They were all so understanding and caring, I can tell that Selena and I are going to be great friends. When we finally decided to call it a night, I wrapped myself in the silk sheets of my bed and drifted off. 

I hadn't dreamt much as a hunter, I rarely slept for longer than three or four hours, but since coming to camp my dreams had become much more vivid. This was my first night sleeping as a full mortal, and it was filled with nightmare after nightmare. 

I was met first with a dream I had often before taking the oath, one where I am visited by Lucy. She tells me I could've saved her, that it was my fault she was dead. 

I forced the dream out of my brain, wishing for anything else to fill my mind. It was too late to take it back by the time my next dream came through. 

I was standing in complete darkness except for a small light that looked to be miles away. I had a sword in my hand, and felt blood dripping down from my stomach. 

"Gabrielle, you have made a wise choice." A deep voice called out from the darkness. 

I searched for the source of the blood, finding a deep gash through my ribs. Blood seeped through my shirt and onto my hand. 

I cried out at the amount of blood. 

"I can save you, all you have to do is join me, join us." 

"What?" I whispered. 

"Olympus needs to be brought down, the gods need to be humbled. I trust you know this better than anyone." The voice told me. 

"I don't understand! What do you want?" I begged. 

"You will know when the time is right. I will be in contact with you again." 

With that, I awoke.


The Sun had barely risen when I left my cabin. I needed to make sense of everything that happened in my dream, so I went for a walk along the lake. 

I left the sunrise calm my racing mind. Was that just a dream? Was there any truth to what the voice was saying? Did I agree with him, did Olympus need to fall?

"You're up early." Luke came from the woods. 

"So are you. What are you doing out here?" 

"I usually wake up early being the counselor. I, um, followed you out here." 

"Stalker." I teased. 

We sat on out usual rock, holding hands and watching the sunrise. 

"I know something is bothering you, are you gonna tell me what it is?" Luke broke the silence. 

I looked into his eyes, feeling the same comfort I always did. 

"I just had a weird dream. I'm not used to having dreams at all, but this one was just.... weird." 

"Weird how?" He asked. 

"Like, I don't know. I don't understand where my brain got the stuff to have that dream.... it was like... like-" 

"Like someone was talking to you? Through your dream?" Luke cut me off. 

I furrowed my brow at his words. 

Noticing my look he quickly added, "There's a war brewing on Olympus, the gods are going to try and get us to pick sides. It isn't uncommon for demi-gods to be visited in their dreams." 

"This dream wasn't... I've met all the gods, this dream was too dark to have been one of them." 

"You haven't met all the gods, there's hundreds of them. I should know, I've got about fifty kids in my cabin right now that have been claimed but have got nowhere to go." Luke spoke with a bitterness that I hadn't seen in him before. 

He was right. Camp was made as a place for demi-gods to be safe, to feel at home but even here there was only room made for the biggest and best gods. We had to make sacrifices to them, and go on quests for them. Where was the fairness in any of it? 

I stopped that train of thought as quick as I could, I sounded too much like the voice in my dream. Olympus would never fall, I wouldn't let it. 

"You wanna head to breakfast?" Luke stood from the rock. 

I nodded, standing up as well. 

Luke took the chance to hold me in his arms and steal a kiss. I smiled, content at the moment I was in and the boy I was with. 

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