the prophecy comes true

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"Don't you have charmspeak?" Luke's voice rang in my head. 

We had gotten in a fight this morning about leaving without Percy, again. I knew he'd be back tonight at the latest, and although I'd never met Kronos, I don't think he'd like it if we didn't try to recruit Percy to our cause. 

It seemed I knew more about the Great Prophecy than Luke did, probably because I was alive when it was made, and I even watched Posiden, Zeus, and Hades make the promise to remain celibate. I knew that Percy was the only child of the big three, which meant he would be the key to 'razing' Olympus. Unless Thalia just decided to stop being a tree one day. 

Luke was unsure about Percy's willingness to join up, but said he'd work on it. He told me I should work on Annabeth. I'd only met her once, but I knew she was stubborn, which is when he brought up charmspeak. 

I didn't have it, or I'd never tried to use it, at least. I was only a daughter of Aphrodite for two years before I joined the hunt, and about six months of that was spent on a quest. I never got around to trying my persuasive abilites. 

I had to admit, it hurt when Luke brought it up. It hurt even more when he put me down for not having mastered it. 

Which made me question if I even wanted to join his stupid army; but it was too late now, I was in too deep. 


Percy returned to camp in the late afternoon. 

One thing about Camp Half-Blood- we know how to throw a party. We threw a feast in Percy, Annabeth, and Grover's honor, complete with fireworks and blue cupcakes, which I was told were Percy's favorite. 

Everyone was enjoying the festivities, except Percy, that is. 

"Gabby, can I talk to you?" 

I looked up at the blonde boy, who looked much more grown up since the last time I had seen him, "Yeah, what's up?" 

He led me to the Big House, where Annabeth and Luke were waiting for us. 

"What's wrong?" I asked Luke. 

"Nothing, I was just explaining to Annabeth why I didn't turn Clarisse in... for stealing the bolt." He answered me. 

I looked to Annabeth, she wasn't suspicious, I could feel it. She still trusted Luke, a little too much for her own good. I nodded to Luke to signal we were fine, they weren't onto us. 

"Yeah, why is she still here?" Percy cut in. 

"She's too powerful, there's too many people on her side. When camp heard that there was a war brewing between Zeus and Posiden, everyone was chosing sides. If we had come out without any hard proof that she was the thief, she and her goons would've had our heads." I explained. 

Percy nodded, trusting my words. 

"Where are the hunters?" Annabeth asked, "Why are you the only one still here?"

I looked at Luke before answering, "Artemis had them leave to prepare for the war. I, um, I'm still here because-" 

"You quit?" Percy interupted. 

"Yeah, I quit." I nodded. 

"I thought so, you look different, good different." He told me. 

I smiled at him, "Annabeth and I can stay here to make sure that Clarisse stays put. You and Luke should go talk to Chiron.... away from all this so nobody hears." 

"And we can meet back here when it's all said and done." Luke gave me a look. I knew I had to convince Annabeth, but if I couldn't then I'd have to figure out a way to get to the woods, where Luke and I planned to escape. 

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