Chapter 5. A Challenge

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The student cafe of Middle Lake Art University was enveloped by blooming rose bushes, filling the air with the sweet scent of flowers and strong coffee. Ann sat at a corner table, relishing a cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake - her well-deserved treat for successfully completing her first day.

"The cakes here are delicious, aren't they?" Charlie, the young man she had encountered earlier, approached with a coffee cup in hand. He settled into a chair at the table without waiting for an invitation. "I hope you don't mind me joining you."

"I suppose not," Ann managed a polite smile. There was something peculiar about this guy. But since he had been honest about being a student, it would be unfair not to give him a chance. After all, his name was on the class roster, and it seemed they were enrolled in two classes together, implying they would frequently cross paths. Plus, she needed a friend in this competitive city.

"How was your last class?" Ann asked, attempting to conceal her discomfort.

"Oh, old Mr. Manson really gave us a hard time with those portraits! Who would have thought drawing a human face could be so challenging?!"

She nodded in agreement. "It's definitely the most difficult part. When my kids struggled with drawing people, I had them practice painting animals first. Once they mastered that, we moved on to sketching humans."

He glanced at her waistline. "You don't look like you have children. You're too skinny."

"Not my own children!" Ann chuckled. "I meant my students. I used to teach art in my hometown for some time."

"Oh, so you have a lot of experience," he smiled, visibly relieved. "I hope you'll give me an extracurricular lesson."

She shrugged. "Why not? We can schedule a time."

"I hate all this scheduling. I believe the best moments are spontaneous."

"Maybe," she agreed, her mind drifting back to the previous evening with Theo. She had planned everything so meticulously, yet it had all fallen apart. Perhaps Marie was right. Maybe she needed to let go and embrace spontaneity. After all, tonight could be the night, if she allowed it to be.

"Thinking about your boyfriend?" His voice startled Ann, causing her to flinch.


"Is that your go-to answer?" Charlie grinned, teasing her. "Because when a woman says 'maybe,' it usually means -"

"Yes. It means 'yes,'" she admitted. "And just so you know, I always have him on my mind. We actually live together."

"So, it's a serious relationship then."

"It is."

"I respect that." Charlie raised his coffee cup, taking a sip and savoring the flavor. "However, if anything goes wrong and you need a friend, you can count on me." He reached into his backpack and pulled out a black leather notebook. He quickly jotted something down and tore the sheet off. "Here's my address. Just in case you find yourself in trouble."

Ann accepted the paper, glancing at the handwritten address. "Thanks, but I think I'll be fine. Theo and I -"

"Unfortunately, men aren't always loyal," he interrupted. "I don't mean to upset you, just offering some friendly advice."

She folded the paper sheet in her hands. "I don't really need advice about my relationship."

"Well... the truth is, men are hunters. They tend to lose interest once they've caught their prey. So, to keep his interest alive, you should stay close but keep some parts of your life secret."

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