Chapter 6. A Privilege

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Theo stood on a carpet before the captain's desk, wrinkling his nose at the sour tobacco odor permeating the room. Despite the wide window on the northern wall, it remained perpetually draped, allowing only a narrow stripe of light to filter through.

Seeking solace, Theo positioned himself within the limited illumination while the captain processed his modest report on Elliana. Hopefully, Theo would soon be free from this place and able to focus on more pleasant matters. However, it seemed his boss had other plans, leaving Theo with no choice but to feign patience.

"Why haven't you provided any updates?" Captain Thompson asked, his brow furrowing as he held the paper report Theo had given him. "Surely the woman had something to say to you. She seemed quite talkative when you encountered her at the church."

Disappointed, Theo shook his head. He had no intention of divulging any crucial information that could potentially endanger Elliana. Yet, he sensed that the captain wouldn't let him off the hook so easily. He needed to offer something to satiate the captain's curiosity.

"With all due respect, sir," Theo said, attempting to conceal his irritation, "During the two hours we spent together, I only managed to gather her name and the fact that she hails from a different dimension. However, I am not at liberty to disclose this information to just anyone. Only those with authorized access are privy to such details, and that does not include you."

The captain nodded. "A different dimension, you say? Well, at least it's something."

Gritting his teeth, Theo yearned for the end of this relentless interrogation. Annie must already be home, waiting for me, he thought. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision to leave Elliana alone to meet her. Damn, he needed to return home as soon as possible.

The captain regarded him with disappointment. "Tell me, rookie, how does it feel to have this privilege?"

Theo blinked, taken aback. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't understand -"

"I'm referring to your connection with Colonel Harrison," the captain clarified.

Theo paused. Harrison... Somehow, he had never learned the gray-haired colonel's last name, and now it all made sense why the man had treated him with such kindness. If his suspicions were correct, he had indeed conversed with the father of his best friend, Urchin. Then, everything fell into place.

It explained Urchin's rapid ascent in his career. With a father like Colonel Harrison, it was no wonder he faced no obstacles. Even when Urchin decided to take a year-long sabbatical, he effortlessly secured Theo's promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, bypassing all the usual bureaucratic procedures.

The most intriguing part was that Theo and Urchin had known each other for years, ever since their first day at the Guardian Academy. Yet, Theo had remained oblivious to any details about Urchin's father, except for the fact that he used to be a Guardian. Evidently, Colonel Harrison had transitioned to the Special Division, a piece of information that had been kept confidential, even from Urchin's closest friend.

"What's the matter, rookie?" the captain taunted, a smirk playing on his lips, revealing a chipped tooth. "Cat got your tongue?!"

The realization struck Theo like a bolt of lightning. So, this is why Captain Thompson has been treating me with such disdain, he thought. If only I had known about this privilege, I would never have allowed him to treat me this way!

"Rookie?!" the captain barked, growing impatient.

Theo cleared his throat. "I apologize, sir. But I must remind you that my mission is still ongoing, and I cannot leave the winged woman we captured unsupervised for an extended period. If I were to do so, I would be obligated to report the delay to the colonel."

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